199 🟢BREAKING GLOW: Suspect detained by Russian Special Forces says Crocus City Hall killings were for MONEY - He was offered $5,400 to shoot 'anyone' - and that the terrorist act was organized on Telegram with unknown person providing weapons (rumble.com) posted 356 days ago by winn 356 days ago by winn +199 / -0 38 comments share 38 comments share save hide report block hide replies
Why would they release the film of interrogating? Have they caught the others yet? If not, that seems dumb.
Putin is saying all 4 terrorists have been caught. They had a planned escape route to Ukraine.
Still, why inform the orchestrators what the terrorists are revealing?
Why would you NOT?
Aside from it making them very aware of the public getting this same info...... It would also make them even more frantic and desperate, and frantic desperate scared people tend to make mistakes....
Multiple videos from different angles of that 1 supect are appearing.
Some of the people there leaked it perhaps? Couldve been livestreaming it.
Why indeed! And who put this out? Seems to have been shot on a cell phone and possibly not by law enforcement nor military.
When he sees his penis on the ground he’ll start telling the REAL TRUTH between screams and shock however it will be to late he’ll bleed out
This ^
First of all regardless of who did it, PUTIN will get even, like GET FUCKING EVEN