Damn it man! Didn't just collide, it knocked that sucker down, destroyed it. Wonder if any big targets happened to be crossing at the time. Those last trucks off were dang sure lucky.
I’m using the DMSO on that spot on my shoulder, and it’s diminishing. It’s literally fading away. It’s still there solid a little bit, but it just seems to be getting lighter and lighter and flaking off. I’m so excited about this experiment. Thanks for the info. 🙏
I remember DMSO being big in the news back possibly as early as the late 1970s; definitely as early as eary '80s, but until the comments here, I hadn't heard or seen anything about it since then.
This is completely new to me. But I’ve been aware of any other natural path remedies for health for a long time. I am really enjoying this new journey.
I am glad your see positive results. It's a damn shame DMSO is hidden from the public. Doctors don't even know what it is, I had to tell my doctor.
Just make sure you don't use it repetitively at full strength of it will make skin peel.
I usually mix up some drops of MMS, add an oz or so of water, and the put in enough dmso to make mixture around 70/30. Then I soak a gauze pad in solution, and let it sit on area I wish to treat.
Turns out a lady at my Bible study, she takes the DMSO orally. She sent me a little video about it, and she’s going to give me a little glass dropper to use with my DMSO that I have in A bottle.
I did notice the roll-on is 99%, and yes it does flake the skin away. I only use it once a night before I go to bed. It’s the only time I do not have clothing on my shoulders.
Fun fact, though… and I don’t know if this is anecdotal or just something else that was going on with me.
When I started using the DMSO on my left shoulder, the left side of my face had a flareup of a former swollen gland behind my ear. It was so bad I couldn’t eat. I was wondering if because I put this on at night before I go to sleep, if somehow it was getting onto my jaw when I would lay my head over to the left. I am also noticing some swelling around my left gums. I am attributing it to some type of detox is going on on the left side of my face 🤷♀️
This is all experimental, but none of these problems were happening until I started putting the DMSO on my left shoulder.
Not sure but I would suggest you read the MMS Health Recovery Guide, and follow the Health Recovery Plan for protocol 1000 healing.
I did not use t Starting Protocol, I pretty much went directly to three drops per dosage. If I get a little Herxheimer Reaction, well I'm usually around the house so not worries.
Chlorine Dioxide is very safe. I have mixed as much as 20 drops with DMSO that was fully absorbed through skin, and then an hour later, another 10 drops with more DMSO. Only issue I had was loose stool for 1/2 a day.
When the power went out the propeller became a rudder turning the ship. An achor got dropped that was ineffective in the shallow water. The black smoke is from "rollin' coal" by red lining the motor to turn the propeller in reverse to slow the ship. This demolition started when the power went out at that exact moment and it appears the crew did what they could in the minutes they had but it was a doomed situation. The question is: what caused the power outage?
Thank you. Having P.Diddy out of the news regarding human trafficking make this a viable contender for our own black hats doing this to prevent pedo stuff from dominating the news cycle.
Ships generally go straight to what ever they collide with. A multi-hundred ton ship is not very maneuverable. What did you expect to see a rig-zag course to the bridge column?
Damn it man! Didn't just collide, it knocked that sucker down, destroyed it. Wonder if any big targets happened to be crossing at the time. Those last trucks off were dang sure lucky.
Probably a DEI crew in charge.
Prayers for the innocent.
Could this be a cyber attack?
Sorry to high Jack the thread… but
I’m using the DMSO on that spot on my shoulder, and it’s diminishing. It’s literally fading away. It’s still there solid a little bit, but it just seems to be getting lighter and lighter and flaking off. I’m so excited about this experiment. Thanks for the info. 🙏
I remember DMSO being big in the news back possibly as early as the late 1970s; definitely as early as eary '80s, but until the comments here, I hadn't heard or seen anything about it since then.
This is completely new to me. But I’ve been aware of any other natural path remedies for health for a long time. I am really enjoying this new journey.
I am glad your see positive results. It's a damn shame DMSO is hidden from the public. Doctors don't even know what it is, I had to tell my doctor.
Just make sure you don't use it repetitively at full strength of it will make skin peel.
I usually mix up some drops of MMS, add an oz or so of water, and the put in enough dmso to make mixture around 70/30. Then I soak a gauze pad in solution, and let it sit on area I wish to treat.
Turns out a lady at my Bible study, she takes the DMSO orally. She sent me a little video about it, and she’s going to give me a little glass dropper to use with my DMSO that I have in A bottle.
I did notice the roll-on is 99%, and yes it does flake the skin away. I only use it once a night before I go to bed. It’s the only time I do not have clothing on my shoulders.
Fun fact, though… and I don’t know if this is anecdotal or just something else that was going on with me.
When I started using the DMSO on my left shoulder, the left side of my face had a flareup of a former swollen gland behind my ear. It was so bad I couldn’t eat. I was wondering if because I put this on at night before I go to sleep, if somehow it was getting onto my jaw when I would lay my head over to the left. I am also noticing some swelling around my left gums. I am attributing it to some type of detox is going on on the left side of my face 🤷♀️
This is all experimental, but none of these problems were happening until I started putting the DMSO on my left shoulder.
What do you think?
Not sure but I would suggest you read the MMS Health Recovery Guide, and follow the Health Recovery Plan for protocol 1000 healing.
I did not use t Starting Protocol, I pretty much went directly to three drops per dosage. If I get a little Herxheimer Reaction, well I'm usually around the house so not worries.
Chlorine Dioxide is very safe. I have mixed as much as 20 drops with DMSO that was fully absorbed through skin, and then an hour later, another 10 drops with more DMSO. Only issue I had was loose stool for 1/2 a day.
When the power went out the propeller became a rudder turning the ship. An achor got dropped that was ineffective in the shallow water. The black smoke is from "rollin' coal" by red lining the motor to turn the propeller in reverse to slow the ship. This demolition started when the power went out at that exact moment and it appears the crew did what they could in the minutes they had but it was a doomed situation. The question is: what caused the power outage?
Ukrainian... check this thread out...
Thank you. Having P.Diddy out of the news regarding human trafficking make this a viable contender for our own black hats doing this to prevent pedo stuff from dominating the news cycle.
Ships generally go straight to what ever they collide with. A multi-hundred ton ship is not very maneuverable. What did you expect to see a rig-zag course to the bridge column?