You are only seeing the puppets, not the brains behind the operation.
The lowlifes they use as toadies are not smart. Many are borderline stupid, but they are willing to do things for fame and fortune that bind them to secrecy. They enjoy those things and continue to do them, and use the same methods to bind others beneath them.
Yup, and they are trying to kill the spark God put in all of US. White replacement is not because we are white. It's because we question, plan, and prepare very well.
My wife is a wonderful person, but a common mentality among many Asians is whatever happens happens, she isn't a fighter.
Righteousness has no color.
This mess is happening because you didn't stand for Righteousness. It happens to every nation that neglects Righteousness.
It ain't just Asians... Most people seem to be sheep (is that not why Jesus spoke the way He did?), meaning they take developments as environmental/ existential, beyond their control. Only people with gumption, initiative, independence, who are self-actualized, will take a stage against the current. The devil knows he can manipulate the current and the flocks will follow. It's up to shepherds and sheepdogs to take a stand, then get sheep aligned behind us.
Turn the sheep into Cattle is the way. Once the herders and sheepdogs get them pointed in the right direction...stampedes are unstoppable and very dangerous
They've never really called any shots, they've been directed by infernal entities. Luckily these infernal entities are arrogant and petulant, with tendencies for infighting
Yeah, they feel entitled because of the money they swindled. They are pushing for the end of flights for normal everyday people by 2050. The Elites will be able to visit all the nice things, but YOU and I, we get these nifty 3D virtual reality vacations.
we are all of our CREATOR, yet every. single. one. of us in the FLESH, turned away from HIM.
we chased strange flesh & ELOHIM gave us these flesh bodies. (vast array= an army of hosts, for war)
the SUPREME GOD later breathed life into us & we have been given a second chance to either live forever in SPIRIT, or when we die, we go straight to the PIT.
the Illuminati & Freemasons have no plans of their own... they are carrying out their "works" in the darkness & they ask "who seeth us, who knoweth us?", led by the Devil
ultimately though, EL the ALMIGHTY controls everything. everything is from HIM & HE has the final say.
the Illuminati, the Freemasons, deists, etc.... are all ASLEEP at the wheel.
God forgive them, for they know not what they do.
before any of them were our "enemies", Lucifer was first to deceive us & pull us from our true FATHER.
truly, LORD GOD have mercy on the Illuminati, the Freemasons, the Satanists, etc. & all the rest of us, for we are not better than they & none of us are worthy of HIS gift of eternal life & redemption
They are panicking now that EVERYTHING they do gets exposed almost instantly. We are awake now, and slapping that hand away that's trying to reach into our PJs.
You are only seeing the puppets, not the brains behind the operation.
The lowlifes they use as toadies are not smart. Many are borderline stupid, but they are willing to do things for fame and fortune that bind them to secrecy. They enjoy those things and continue to do them, and use the same methods to bind others beneath them.
Yeah, no doubt some are smart, or employ smart people to think for them.
You don't need to be intelligent to be a psychopath
They flourish because humans that actually have empathy can scarcely understand another human doing the things they do.
Yeah, finding that out these last few years.
Because they rejected the key to high intelligence and wisdom:
Yup, and they are trying to kill the spark God put in all of US. White replacement is not because we are white. It's because we question, plan, and prepare very well.
My wife is a wonderful person, but a common mentality among many Asians is whatever happens happens, she isn't a fighter.
Nonsense. Righteousness has no color. This mess is happening because you didn't stand for Righteousness. It happens to every nation that neglects Righteousness.
It ain't just Asians... Most people seem to be sheep (is that not why Jesus spoke the way He did?), meaning they take developments as environmental/ existential, beyond their control. Only people with gumption, initiative, independence, who are self-actualized, will take a stage against the current. The devil knows he can manipulate the current and the flocks will follow. It's up to shepherds and sheepdogs to take a stand, then get sheep aligned behind us.
Turn the sheep into Cattle is the way. Once the herders and sheepdogs get them pointed in the right direction...stampedes are unstoppable and very dangerous
Good points.
Millenia long inbreeding makes them stupid as well as arrogant and filled with hubris-note the NY AG and the Georgia DA as examples... 😉
They've never really called any shots, they've been directed by infernal entities. Luckily these infernal entities are arrogant and petulant, with tendencies for infighting
I call Letita Tits, Fani Ass, and Jack Dick, then combined the Tranny Trio heh.
The brains behind the operation dress much better is all, still really stupid.
You underestimate the true leaders by confusing them with those you have heard of or seen.
Yeah, they feel entitled because of the money they swindled. They are pushing for the end of flights for normal everyday people by 2050. The Elites will be able to visit all the nice things, but YOU and I, we get these nifty 3D virtual reality vacations.
fallen angels will do as fallen angels will.
we are all of our CREATOR, yet every. single. one. of us in the FLESH, turned away from HIM.
we chased strange flesh & ELOHIM gave us these flesh bodies. (vast array= an army of hosts, for war)
the SUPREME GOD later breathed life into us & we have been given a second chance to either live forever in SPIRIT, or when we die, we go straight to the PIT.
the Illuminati & Freemasons have no plans of their own... they are carrying out their "works" in the darkness & they ask "who seeth us, who knoweth us?", led by the Devil
ultimately though, EL the ALMIGHTY controls everything. everything is from HIM & HE has the final say.
the Illuminati, the Freemasons, deists, etc.... are all ASLEEP at the wheel.
God forgive them, for they know not what they do.
before any of them were our "enemies", Lucifer was first to deceive us & pull us from our true FATHER.
truly, LORD GOD have mercy on the Illuminati, the Freemasons, the Satanists, etc. & all the rest of us, for we are not better than they & none of us are worthy of HIS gift of eternal life & redemption
They are panicking now that EVERYTHING they do gets exposed almost instantly. We are awake now, and slapping that hand away that's trying to reach into our PJs.