"Nothing says Rhino Uniparty like running to liberal leftist mockingbird media outlet NBC to complain about President Trump. I can just hear her now. One feature of Trump that I’ve noticed from the beginning is that he’s not interested in LOSING. The man HATES losing. I guess Ronna found that out the hard way."
Hasn't NBC already canned her because of all the whining from several of their fools?
That’s what I thought. Like less than 24hrs after being hired.
She is gone one day after she started. Brian must be living under a rock because that happened Monday.
Yeah. What's up with that? How could he not know. Hmmm.
Yes, the "talent" protested her hire.
"Nothing says Rhino Uniparty like running to liberal leftist mockingbird media outlet NBC to complain about President Trump. I can just hear her now. One feature of Trump that I’ve noticed from the beginning is that he’s not interested in LOSING. The man HATES losing. I guess Ronna found that out the hard way."
But she was already canned before she even started. She is out of work, period. This is old news. Brian Cates should know that.
She got canned because she didn’t trash Trump in her first pre-recorded show. My speculation.
Who cares what she says or does? She was fired from the right, she got fired from the left. She has no stance anywhere.
It's your choice to listen, OR NOT.