posted ago by StormzAComing ago by StormzAComing +70 / -0

1 November - Q34 has a 7 year delta. The clock begins ticking.


2 November - Q55 has a 7 year delta.


3 November - John Podesta is arrested 11.3 (when will his sealed indictment be unsealed?). Rumors break out on social media that a coup is taking place, causing mass riots to occur. Red Castle (all national security assets readied for action).

4 November - Podesta's arrest is publicly announced by the US Marshalls 11.4, who also announce the unsealing of thousands of indictments against thousands of government and private individuals, all pertaining to crimes against children. The shock is too much to bear, and the Deep State, in a last-ditch effort, organizes rioting and violence on a scale not seen in the US since the Civil War. At midnight, Joe Biden declares martial law and cancels the election. Green Castle (signal for the Plan to unfold).

5 November - The US Marshalls arrest Biden within the hour, while the military secures all national entrances, airports, government offices, military bases, etc. Hillary Clinton is apprehended attempting to enter Canada. A high-ranking general (possibly Mike Flynn), uses the EAS to alert and notify America and the world of the ongoing countercoup against the Deep State. The real POTUS is confirmed to be safe and secure onboard Air Force One in an undisclosed location. Immediately after this, the Internet and cellular service is shut off for ten days, with all necessary information being funneled through the EAS. Nationally, and in many (all?) countries around the world, mass arrests of the pedophiles and criminals and traitors of all kinds occur, as each national military secures its own country.

No, NESARA/GESARA is a scam psyop and it will not be happening. "Worldwide" simply means that the Plan is a worldwide operation, not a one-world government or currency or economic system.

Hypothetical aftermath, but it is certain that this is how it would generally pan out going by Q drops and known information.

6 November - Riots end in most cities as the rioters realize that their elite funders have been arrested and are currently undergoing swift tribunal sessions. The military secures the entire country by this point with the help of armed citizens, local law enforcement, and other national security apparatus. The real results of the past elections, including 2016 and 2020, are revealed, showing that Trump not only won every state, but won them by very wide margins in 2020 especially. The Q team make themselves public in order to announce to the world suppressed technologies and the new vision for an Earth truly free from all shackles. Again, there is no NESARA/GESARA. Even the most liberal sheep accept the reality of the situation and are helped tremendously by the Anons.

15 November - The Internet and cellular service is turned back on to reveal that every single criminal arrested was indeed guilty of death for their unspeakable crimes, with as much evidence as morally permissible being released to the public for unequivocal confirmation.

16 November - The reveal of the unspeakable horrors is too much for many people, with 4-6% of the population committing suicide rather than accept that they were ruled by the most evil machine imaginable.

30 November - By the end of the month, the entire Operation is complete. Refer to the Q drops, the Bible, and your personal relationship with Christ to determine the next steps.

Onward - The world rapidly adjusts, as the global economy is completely reset and overhauled, with a global Jubilee of debt and a total reconciliation of finances. Now, free from the Cabal and Satan, the Earth itself cries forth the love of Christ and we cannot help but do so ourselves.

Have a blessed Resurrection Sunday, Anons! Keep the energy high and keep the flag higher! NCSWIC! NOTHING!