Vaccinated People Show Long COVID-Like Symptoms With Detectable Spike Proteins: Preprint Study...đź‘€
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Nonetheless we keep calling it "loooooong COVID",
so people don't connect the dots to the clot shot.
I have a family member with no clot shot and long covid. It's a thing. It really sucks.
Hi fren, has your family member tried Ivermectin to treat their long Covid? There is evidence that Ivermectin works quite well.
I'm on the fly at the moment and can't give your direct links, but check out on YouTube John Campbell talking to Professor Robert Clancy.
One of the videos is ",Long Covid and long vaccine". There are other videos like this.
Also Dr Pierre Kory mentions Ivermectin to treat long Covid and long Vax.
No such thing as "long COVID" we need to stop with the fake science.
Thank you doctor
Read at your leisure, fren.
I have been on the fence on this and l am leaning towards "long covid" being a psychological issue far more.
Stress from believing you have "long covid" causes the manifestation of a declined immune system which is pinned on "long covid".
This is why the stress of being diagnosed from cancer can do more harm to people often than the cancer itself when the information is first revealed to patients. However, over time when patients become more resilient and focused on beating cancer the stress goes away and there is a chance for full recovery.
Stress = Nukes your immune system.
The plandemic was designed for MAX stress from all, economic, social, psychological, etc.
Saved me some typing.
The dumbed down state of so many these days, enables the most outrageous things to be believed. If you convince your mind/self that something exists, it will manifest in the manner expected. Hypochondriac psychopathy is a prime example relevant to this thread.
I actually think it’s from being around the vaccinated who are shedding and passing the spike proteins around to anyone within reach. Wife and I are surrounded in the workplace with the multiple vaxxed. Last year we were both struggling with a month-long series of low-grade ~fevers and sinus and ear infections. We were both taking ivermectin (in hindsight, probably not a large enough daily dose) and our symptoms were only being held “in check” but not resolving. Finally resorted to nicotine patches (7mg patches worn every day for a week) and voila - my “illness” disappeared and my wife saw about a 90% reduction in symptoms. As a lark I put on another 7mg patch a few weeks later and I got sicker than a dog (massive headache and severe nausea). I pulled the patch off and a few hours later was back to “normal.” Didn’t experience that at all during the week I was wearing the patch. Read that nicotine can block the ACE2 receptor upon which the “virus” locks onto in order to infect your cells.
I’d say that about 10% of my vaxxed coworkers are now experiencing cardiac issues, and about another 20% have had one nasty “cold” after another. Feel bad for some as they definitely have buyer’s remorse. No need to tell them “I told you so” because that horse left that barn over a year ago.