Reporting child abuse is now racist: Mass General said babies born with positive toxicology screens will no longer be reported to state welfare agencies unless there are other concerns the baby is abused or neglected, citing it disproportionately affects black people
🧠 Stupid Policy People! 🤬
Okay okay… had to think about this. It’s stupid on the face, and by “race”, which deciding policy this way is or sharing this to the “media” is brain broken stupid. But I can understand the hesitancy.
Okay, any Anons want to ask why this retired social worker would hesitate to call children’s services if a child came up positive for “drugs”?
Because those children's services would come pick the kid up and then expose the kid to an even darker reality?
Possibly. Also as I noted in another Anon’s response:
Certain foods, OTC medications, and certain medical and psychiatric medications the mother is, might, or must take, can potentially cause a “dirty” or positive illicit drug test. So, it has to be case by case basis. But should never ever ever focus on race or culture. A baby can be positive for pot too by 2nd hand.
So again case by case. Look at the family unit as a whole, their meds, and any prior history that may bring up flags.
That's even worse! The possibility of doing absolutely nothing wrong but getting your kid taken from you anyway.
Many many years ago my mother had the misfortune of taking all 3 of us kids to the pediatrician in a week for various injuries. She told us years later that the doctor's office separated her from us to question us all.
Brutal, but I know people who’ve renounced their citizenship just to avoid getting a ruling in the family courts, who were actively seeking to create the worst possible outcome.
Because a friggin poppyseed can make a mom look like she’s on opioids, to name just one?
Correct. Certain foods, OTC medications, and certain medical and psychiatric medications the mother is, might, or must take, can potentially cause a “dirty” or positive illicit drug test. So, it has to be case by case basis. But should never ever ever focus on race or culture. A baby can be positive for pot too by 2nd hand. So again case by case. Look at the family unit as a whole, their meds, and any prior history.