NOTE: Gold and Silver don't go up and down. The dollar get's weaker or stronger. In 1920, a $20 gold piece could by a custom tailored suit. Today a $20 gold piece can by a custom tailored suit.
Rumour has it that Eastern countries such as China and India are taking delivery of actual gold (which these certificates represent, but are usually not acted upon - just traded).
This means there's less actual metal in the comex vaults upon which they can leverage these paper instruments, so their ability to suppress the price by issuing more paper gold is becoming limited.
Interesting. I've never bothered with any kind of "certificates"... if I can't hold it in my hands, I certainly wouldn't want any kind of paper lie that says I own silver or gold. And I don't see metals as an "investment" in the classical sense. I never plan to "buy low and sell high."
Silver is, for me, purely to hoard against the very real possibility that our fiat currency becomes worthless, like Germany's Deutschmark did during the Wiemar Republic. It is to barter for necessities when the dollar is total trash.
I'm with you, THBanjoman. I bought all the gold I could afford, while it was still affordable. Now that its price has leaped up, I've been stacking silver as fast as I can. And you're right -- it isn't an "investment." It's a safety net against the possibility that our Monopoly-money paper currency loses its value.
If the currency doesn't collapse (and I hope it doesn't), well, fine. My wife and I will still have our precious metals hoard to see us through any dire emergency, or to pass on to the next generation.
Zimbabwe returns to gold backed currency…. Iraq returns to their own Dinar and will soon trade on the FOREX markets, Argentina and El Salvador using Bitcoin …. BRICS Nations emerging…. Wow the winds of change are howling!!
A mission to “destroy the Fed”?
NOTE: Gold and Silver don't go up and down. The dollar get's weaker or stronger. In 1920, a $20 gold piece could by a custom tailored suit. Today a $20 gold piece can by a custom tailored suit.
Triple Tops are like that.
Silver also broke the $29 line. Hmmm, what's going on??!!
Rumour has it that Eastern countries such as China and India are taking delivery of actual gold (which these certificates represent, but are usually not acted upon - just traded).
This means there's less actual metal in the comex vaults upon which they can leverage these paper instruments, so their ability to suppress the price by issuing more paper gold is becoming limited.
Don't ask me about the details, I know them not.
Interesting. I've never bothered with any kind of "certificates"... if I can't hold it in my hands, I certainly wouldn't want any kind of paper lie that says I own silver or gold. And I don't see metals as an "investment" in the classical sense. I never plan to "buy low and sell high."
Silver is, for me, purely to hoard against the very real possibility that our fiat currency becomes worthless, like Germany's Deutschmark did during the Wiemar Republic. It is to barter for necessities when the dollar is total trash.
I'm with you, THBanjoman. I bought all the gold I could afford, while it was still affordable. Now that its price has leaped up, I've been stacking silver as fast as I can. And you're right -- it isn't an "investment." It's a safety net against the possibility that our Monopoly-money paper currency loses its value.
If the currency doesn't collapse (and I hope it doesn't), well, fine. My wife and I will still have our precious metals hoard to see us through any dire emergency, or to pass on to the next generation.
And in the meantime, we sleep better at night.
Same here. Worst case scenario (assuming the world as we know doesn't completely end) I get to spend it in my retirement
Sweet! I'm not upside down on my silver now! I bought in at 28$ oh well, I hold. I also DRS!
Same here. I’m up a ton on gold and Bitcoin, but just broke even on silver.
Debt clock projects silver at $1,560 per ounce in five years 😳
If it's inflation driven we are fucked. Thank God patriots are in control!
Wake me when it gets back to $50
Me too.
Enjoy the short squeeze Dorthy , we could always go home be clicking our Silver slippers together.
Zimbabwe returns to gold backed currency…. Iraq returns to their own Dinar and will soon trade on the FOREX markets, Argentina and El Salvador using Bitcoin …. BRICS Nations emerging…. Wow the winds of change are howling!!
SILVER too!!!….I hope it will finally make its run that many have long been waiting for.
And it's not just silver. I've even been seeing copper creep slowly up into the "precious metals" category.
PBD had Peter Schiff on his podcast and gold was a topic discussed heavily. They went over a very similar graph. Very interesting.
JPM runs the futures markets and will frontrun the trades at will. It’ll get smashed back when they decide to do it.