they can't think their way out of a paper bag. the myriad of bad outcomes to messing with nature numbs the mind. less evaporation more drought. cooling temperatures, ICE AGES. etc...
Is this their way of getting support from their “climate crybabies” and out they’ve been messing with weather for 50 years. ? 🤡 says “Cloud seeding good, even if it gives me cancer”.
It sounds counter intuitive when magazines like this one explain it because it is. What these "artificial" clouds do is actually compounding the "problem" of "global warming." Those aerosols are actually keeping the good radiation out and are disturbing the Earth's natural daily rhythm of radiation absorption (heating) and radiation dispersal (cooling). Not to mention the heavy metals and sulfides used for cloud seeding. It is a proven fact that animals, plants, and humanity have toxic levels of various heavy metals due in part to the rains created from these clouds.
Wrap yourself in a blanket and go outside when it's 90°F outside. You'll see what I mean about heating/cooling of the Earth wh n these clouds are present. If [they] get [their] way, we'll be under mostly cloudy skies all the time. How would plants and animals be able to use the Sun's radiation for food, proper growth and proper vitamin/mineral absorption without the us of proper levels of UV light if Earth is under cloud cover (blanket) most of the time? (Answer is a runaway greenhouse effect like what happened to Venus.)
Oh look! Another "problem" they created so they could create a solution, which is always worse than the problem. **
basically right out of saul alinskis rules for radicals
Hussein enters the chat.
they can't think their way out of a paper bag. the myriad of bad outcomes to messing with nature numbs the mind. less evaporation more drought. cooling temperatures, ICE AGES. etc...
i actually think this is by design. they know full well the outcome. and they do not care.
Is this their way of getting support from their “climate crybabies” and out they’ve been messing with weather for 50 years. ? 🤡 says “Cloud seeding good, even if it gives me cancer”.
Part of the war
“Warming world” wow the gaslighting level is high.
thusly cooling ocean temperatures leading to less evaporation of sea water that lends to less rainfall causing MOAR drought..
these people are fuckin total 'hostins'
So now popular mechanics is pushing the chemtrail conspiracy theory
well, i believe the it is owned by the same publisher that does sports illustrated. nuff'sed.
It sounds counter intuitive when magazines like this one explain it because it is. What these "artificial" clouds do is actually compounding the "problem" of "global warming." Those aerosols are actually keeping the good radiation out and are disturbing the Earth's natural daily rhythm of radiation absorption (heating) and radiation dispersal (cooling). Not to mention the heavy metals and sulfides used for cloud seeding. It is a proven fact that animals, plants, and humanity have toxic levels of various heavy metals due in part to the rains created from these clouds.
Wrap yourself in a blanket and go outside when it's 90°F outside. You'll see what I mean about heating/cooling of the Earth wh n these clouds are present. If [they] get [their] way, we'll be under mostly cloudy skies all the time. How would plants and animals be able to use the Sun's radiation for food, proper growth and proper vitamin/mineral absorption without the us of proper levels of UV light if Earth is under cloud cover (blanket) most of the time? (Answer is a runaway greenhouse effect like what happened to Venus.)