Do y’all think the whole Chinese spyware stuff was just a gimmick to get rid of TikTok? I’ve never used it but I’ve heard it’s big with youngsters. And lots of red pilling going on over there.
The spyware stuff is legitimate. Back when Trump wanted to ban TikTok I read an article that said TikTok basically has access to everything on your phone. It's a privacy nightmare.
Now, Biden and the left in power want to ban it because they can't effectively censor it and it is being used to redpill the youth. They don't care about privacy, they care about censorship.
So what explains Trump advocating for TikTok now? I though I had remembered Trump wanted to ban that app as well. For more young people votes? Anything to hurt Biden? Trump isn’t coming directly out and advertising for TikTok, but for something he previously wanted to get rid of, seems floppy floppy. Could be used against him.
Trump is a heck of a businessman. And I honestly feel he does want America and all Americans to be successful. So if he thinks TikTok is 👍👍, that’s good enough for me. I still don’t use it tho, but I don’t bash it.
I like Bannon but I don’t think someone like Trump could be bought. He can be negotiated with, but never a sell out. My opinion.
I have redpilled my wife witb tik tok. I don’t have it but I told her to follow libs of tik tok. She now fully understands that we have to home school or get the funds to send kids to a well vetted Christian School.
Remember, remember the 5th of November, the day we bring down the swamp.
Do y’all think the whole Chinese spyware stuff was just a gimmick to get rid of TikTok? I’ve never used it but I’ve heard it’s big with youngsters. And lots of red pilling going on over there.
The spyware stuff is legitimate. Back when Trump wanted to ban TikTok I read an article that said TikTok basically has access to everything on your phone. It's a privacy nightmare.
Now, Biden and the left in power want to ban it because they can't effectively censor it and it is being used to redpill the youth. They don't care about privacy, they care about censorship.
I've never used it myself.
So what explains Trump advocating for TikTok now? I though I had remembered Trump wanted to ban that app as well. For more young people votes? Anything to hurt Biden? Trump isn’t coming directly out and advertising for TikTok, but for something he previously wanted to get rid of, seems floppy floppy. Could be used against him.
Trump didn't want it banned. He wanted it sold off to a US company and have all connections to China removed.
He did have a meeting with a large investor in TikTok and afterwards changed his tune. Bannon suggested Trump was bought.
Trump is a heck of a businessman. And I honestly feel he does want America and all Americans to be successful. So if he thinks TikTok is 👍👍, that’s good enough for me. I still don’t use it tho, but I don’t bash it.
I like Bannon but I don’t think someone like Trump could be bought. He can be negotiated with, but never a sell out. My opinion.
I have redpilled my wife witb tik tok. I don’t have it but I told her to follow libs of tik tok. She now fully understands that we have to home school or get the funds to send kids to a well vetted Christian School.
Why is it so tough for people to say "Constitutional Republic?" This includes President Trump.
Would that I could updoot this more than once!!
Nice move sir