It is good, though the bit at the end where the deepstate cabal is portrayed as being just as much victims as the good people they victimized; and these evil ones see the light and weepily turn over a new leaf, and the hugging kumbaya moment with them; that was just too over-the-top naive for words. Thankfully there are none. :p
We don't have to see them being ripped to shreds and boiled in hell; they could just disappear into a black abyss. I mean, you don't get to serve Satan for half a century or more, and then when justice FINALLY at long last arrives, simply shrug and say "Oops, my bad. We good?" Hug hug hug
No. If the words good and evil have any meaning, then you pedophiles, traitors, mass murderers, rapists and torturers factually AREN'T good. You have to pay the price for being bad to those who ARE good. Children most especially.
But I think that's only the God-given sense of justice and fairness and love in each of us talking.
Keep in mind, there are many on the dark side who eagerly joined the forces of evil however, there are some who were innocent, that were threatened with violence against themselves and families. Others who were blackmailed with things like placing child porn on computers. Some who were drugged and placed in rooms with young children and photographed.
We see a situation evolving with Speaker Johnson. At the same time, you see MTG saying he may be blackmailed. What better way to create a scenario for any government employee who was blackmailed to speak out than to create and expose it happening to one of our top politicians in full public view. We will have a new me-too movement exposing the truth.
John 3:16 - For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.
Whosoever means whosoever. Remember that Satan cannot embody he can only influence. Soros can even be redeemed. Salvation is not just for those who HAVE NOT been ensnared by Satan. Everyone has been at some point.
Find me a Bible verse that says that bad guys won't go to heaven. Heck, the thief on the cross went to heaven! If Paul, who persecuted and murdered Christians, could be saved and redeemed and used to raise up a mighty faith, how could anyone else not be redeemed?
God would that all men be saved and come unto a knowledge of the truth. All won't but that's God's heart. Love never fails, spiritually they will reap what they sow. We still are commanded to love one and other and to love our enemies. If you understand God's love it isn't hard to perceive what that means. Evil is all we are to hate. People we are to love. This is to protect our own hearts "lest we be caught in the same evil."
Prove those who went willing, you can't. Even you must be loved in the error which you stand.
I once stood where you are in my thinking. Inhad tondecidebifni was going to conduct my thinking according to Gods Word or according to my own emotions and will. Once I understood what God really wants I changed my mind. That's when I found peace. So I say these things only wanted us all to enjoy that peace while we await God's justice.
If we can find unity on truth this will end many evil acts.
It is good, though the bit at the end where the deepstate cabal is portrayed as being just as much victims as the good people they victimized; and these evil ones see the light and weepily turn over a new leaf, and the hugging kumbaya moment with them; that was just too over-the-top naive for words. Thankfully there are none. :p
We don't have to see them being ripped to shreds and boiled in hell; they could just disappear into a black abyss. I mean, you don't get to serve Satan for half a century or more, and then when justice FINALLY at long last arrives, simply shrug and say "Oops, my bad. We good?" Hug hug hug
No. If the words good and evil have any meaning, then you pedophiles, traitors, mass murderers, rapists and torturers factually AREN'T good. You have to pay the price for being bad to those who ARE good. Children most especially.
But I think that's only the God-given sense of justice and fairness and love in each of us talking.
Keep in mind, there are many on the dark side who eagerly joined the forces of evil however, there are some who were innocent, that were threatened with violence against themselves and families. Others who were blackmailed with things like placing child porn on computers. Some who were drugged and placed in rooms with young children and photographed.
We see a situation evolving with Speaker Johnson. At the same time, you see MTG saying he may be blackmailed. What better way to create a scenario for any government employee who was blackmailed to speak out than to create and expose it happening to one of our top politicians in full public view. We will have a new me-too movement exposing the truth.
Are you kidding me?
John 3:16 - For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.
Whosoever means whosoever. Remember that Satan cannot embody he can only influence. Soros can even be redeemed. Salvation is not just for those who HAVE NOT been ensnared by Satan. Everyone has been at some point.
Find me a Bible verse that says that bad guys won't go to heaven. Heck, the thief on the cross went to heaven! If Paul, who persecuted and murdered Christians, could be saved and redeemed and used to raise up a mighty faith, how could anyone else not be redeemed?
God would that all men be saved and come unto a knowledge of the truth. All won't but that's God's heart. Love never fails, spiritually they will reap what they sow. We still are commanded to love one and other and to love our enemies. If you understand God's love it isn't hard to perceive what that means. Evil is all we are to hate. People we are to love. This is to protect our own hearts "lest we be caught in the same evil."
Prove those who went willing, you can't. Even you must be loved in the error which you stand.
I once stood where you are in my thinking. Inhad tondecidebifni was going to conduct my thinking according to Gods Word or according to my own emotions and will. Once I understood what God really wants I changed my mind. That's when I found peace. So I say these things only wanted us all to enjoy that peace while we await God's justice.
If we can find unity on truth this will end many evil acts.