Screenshots: Hamas Sympathizers At Yale Are Distributing A ‘Hit List’ Of The Police Officers Who Arrested Their Comrades – Right...
About 45 protesters at Yale University were arrested and charged with trespassing Monday morning during a protest seeking the university
Wow, you just smell the Antifa all over this! What’s going on is no longer coincidental. This is an internationally organized insurrection against normalcy. Find out who is funding it. Arrest them, and put an end to it.
Antifa with help from useful idiot Mooslims, plus the Dems are most likely behind these protests. Globalists don't give a hoot about anti-semitism, Islamism, etc.. It's all part of their game to create division, strife and chaos between these groups to usher in the One World Government. (Reread Albert Pike.) Look at the actions that are currently taking place, not sanctimonious words and accusations from all parties.
Same picture
Tides, Ford, Rockefeller, Open Society. Shut off those money spigots and antifa goes poof, bye bye.
One of these days those "comrades" will be praying for the police to help them....
I hope all they get is the bella ciao they seem to wish for.
17, huh...
Well since doing this stupid chanting and playing and not going to classes, I guess they should be expelled or leave them there, contained where they aren’t blocking busy roadways and give the reward trophy they all think they deserve. A trophy that says “DID NOT GRADUATE DUE TO DESTRUCTIVE SCHOOL BEHAVIOR”. Mom & Dad should be so happy and proud where their hard earned money got them. And those that got student loans should only have 3-5 years to pay them back IN FULL!
The question yet to be asked about these campus protests is how many of these protesters are actual students at these schools. This question is purposefully being left unasked and unexplored because I think a lot of the players here you would find as principles during the summer of love and the funding from the same NGOs.
Yet none of them seem to be protesting at YALE 223 SKULL N BONES only a couple blocks away!?! Gee I wonder why!
If only there were a secretive group of evil “wyt pepo” scheming to control the world they could lash out their anger against!