If you were placed in the Presidency illegally, the entire election is illegal and so are any of the people placed in office locally, statewide and nationally, whether approved by Congress or placed there by the Resident. Therefore, every decision is illegal.
Some ideas are dumb. Wish Biden and his keepers would realize this fact before they act against the will of the people. It won't end well for Biden et al.
They should all be shown gallows and how they work first hand
This is treason. Unless we 'own' Ukraine, and we don't - we have no business doing this.
Since nothing the resident pretends to do is legal and easily overturned I am not worried
If you were placed in the Presidency illegally, the entire election is illegal and so are any of the people placed in office locally, statewide and nationally, whether approved by Congress or placed there by the Resident. Therefore, every decision is illegal.
When all the corruption comes out about Ukraine , they wont get sheot.
.Oh yes those agreements CAN be abrogated. We did so with an in perpetuity treaty, we can get rid of an epically corrupt agreement.
Some ideas are dumb. Wish Biden and his keepers would realize this fact before they act against the will of the people. It won't end well for Biden et al.
I wonder, how are the HBCUs feeling right about now?
Biden will be shown to be illegitimate therefore everything he did will be null and void.
Fraud vitiates everything.