60 This Muslim man is nuts and cares nothing for the people sitting near him, including the children. This just shows what they are all about and is the culture and mentality we may be up against (twitter.com) posted 10 months ago by lovecymru 10 months ago by lovecymru +61 / -1 19 comments share 19 comments share save hide report block hide replies
goat-fucking noises intensify
Inbreeding'll do that to ya,...
Clearly stupid too.
Sub-80 iq gonna sub-80 iq.
Diversity was never our strength.
You always assume a gun is loaded. 🙄
That seemed to take him by surprise, but he didn't react as though he just shot himself or that it hurt. How strange.
Was that young looking female at the end of the sofa even alive? looks pallid and absolutely no flinch, even if sleeping.
Often times, these cultures are heavy into opium. There are stories of men selling their daughters into marriage for nothing more than a months worth of smack.
Aww, he missed.
Democrats severely do not understand how lucky they are and how good they have it here.
They should be forced to live in the middle east for a year before being allowed back into the U.S. so you never have to hear them bitch again
This clip is from long ago. I forget when exactly, but this one isnt new.
At least it has a relatively happy ending?
Lmao really?!
I took the clip out so it won't shoot!
Excellent. One piece at a time will do
hes this retarded without alcohol
Just an idiot. Nothing to see here, move along.