197 () - SCARED MUCH SALT - posted 298 days ago by UnvaxxedUnafraid 298 days ago by UnvaxxedUnafraid +197 / -0 54 comments share 54 comments share save hide report block hide replies
The both of you should get a room, a dry erase board and a copy of Strunk & Whites "The Elements of Style". 👈 Required text when I was in college.
Check back in with us in the morning and let us know how you made out.
/s Just teasing. I actually learned something from you guys.
Every time I encounter a grammar-nazi, I want to give them a big comforting hug and say "There, They're, Their..."
That was awesome! 😍
My buddy likes to send me chats while he's out drinking. He's always correcting me EVEN when he's sloshed. I'll have to borrow your idea!
Thank you in advance. 😂🤣