Apostrophes have this effect on school children, it sends them into paroxysms of self-doubt, after courageously learning the difference between Capitals and 'small' letters. I am not criticizing you, because you were prolly typing really fast. But it is a hobby-horse of mine since I figured it out as a kid, and found a world full of people ignoring the 'rules'.
So here is my little discriptive writing 101 essay: Just observing, having taught primary and secondary students. it is a bit like the fraction hurdle, or the algebra nightmare.
So this is how I explain it to my kids: In general, the rule is to visualize what you are trying to say: IS it a plural (No apostrophe) or is it a thing that belongs to some other thing (Yes, apostrophe - Harry's pen). There are some special cases, like when something belongs to a group of people, but I digress.
Plans means mulitple plans.
Plan's needs a qualifier, i.e. something belonging to the plan. So for example, the plan's specifications, or the plan's architect, or the plan's owner-authorization, or something like that.
Another way to visualize it is to know that the apostrophe is replacing, or hiding a (prolly Old English) form. So for example what could have been Harry, his pen, becomes Harry's pen.
I say Old English, because the Normans (Viking-French) would say the pen of Harry. So definitely not that.
I agree with your intent, but I feel as though you used a few commas more than necessary. I sympathize. Commas are like little wrinkles in the rug, lying in wait to trip me. Should I, or should I not? I never feel certain.
Your talking directly to me. I use those little buggers way too much, often incorrectly. I much appreciate the above. I'm smarter now. It's a good day. Excuse the little bastards.
Yeah, but I personally think that plan needs to come about in a way that Trump is not President when it happens. You know good and well how the media will spin the hell out of it.
Do not need to read it. No matter.
Yuck it up funny people. They'll be no hiding from accountability. Plan's are in place.
Agree with the sentiment. Cheers fren.
Grammar police checkpoint:
Apostrophes have this effect on school children, it sends them into paroxysms of self-doubt, after courageously learning the difference between Capitals and 'small' letters. I am not criticizing you, because you were prolly typing really fast. But it is a hobby-horse of mine since I figured it out as a kid, and found a world full of people ignoring the 'rules'.
So here is my little discriptive writing 101 essay: Just observing, having taught primary and secondary students. it is a bit like the fraction hurdle, or the algebra nightmare.
So this is how I explain it to my kids: In general, the rule is to visualize what you are trying to say: IS it a plural (No apostrophe) or is it a thing that belongs to some other thing (Yes, apostrophe - Harry's pen). There are some special cases, like when something belongs to a group of people, but I digress.
Plans means mulitple plans.
Plan's needs a qualifier, i.e. something belonging to the plan. So for example, the plan's specifications, or the plan's architect, or the plan's owner-authorization, or something like that.
Another way to visualize it is to know that the apostrophe is replacing, or hiding a (prolly Old English) form. So for example what could have been Harry, his pen, becomes Harry's pen.
I say Old English, because the Normans (Viking-French) would say the pen of Harry. So definitely not that.
Sorry for autistic rant.
I agree with your intent, but I feel as though you used a few commas more than necessary. I sympathize. Commas are like little wrinkles in the rug, lying in wait to trip me. Should I, or should I not? I never feel certain.
I agree, I should have made a few more full stops.
I hope my critique wasn't overly harsh, it wasn't my intent.
Sometimes going with the flow is just channeling the ......."FORCE"?
The rant of Sadness, of which, informative it was.
Thanks for the refresher. I'm a lazy writer. Guilty
Your talking directly to me. I use those little buggers way too much, often incorrectly. I much appreciate the above. I'm smarter now. It's a good day. Excuse the little bastards.
Yeah, but I personally think that plan needs to come about in a way that Trump is not President when it happens. You know good and well how the media will spin the hell out of it.
Something else will happen first.
Possibility now, it would make sense to take down the media first and then go after these crooks...
Only time will tell!