The next moves I can foresee are (1) war, (2) worse pandemic, (3) House and Senate conspiring to impeach Trump proactively or fail to seat him as President even after a landslide electoral victory, (4) taking him out, or (5) setting his next term up for catastrophe after catastrophe.
My handicapping says they are working actively on all these, but I predict in this order: 4, 3 and 1 first because they are the ways to keep him from taking office. After taking office, they work on 5, 2 and 1.
playbook is known.........
Hillary was calling to release 5 black swans the other day. So, yeah. Flip the board is their plan.
The 5 that she was scheduled to do but was 'cheated' 🤭 out of doing between 2016 - 2024.
Never forget how close we came. Than Q 😎
Only losers flip boards. It only changes the outcome from check-mate to: the loser behaved in an ungallant manner. The loser cannot change the outcome to claim victory. Just saying.
i see youve never played pigeon chess