Between you and me, longtime, I think that some people are hungry but haven't learned how to cook a meal Q-style, or bake the bread, as it were.
We've still got OG anons here, but I feel like we also have a lot who joined in after Q stopped posting, and they don't really understand the need for rigorous self-reflection and critical research and analysis.
It's an understandable situation. As the breadth of the Awakening expands, it seems like a certain amount of it gets diluted. On the other hand, I guess we always had our hopium addicts (negative connotation: believing in ideas that deliver an emotional kick but which a deleterious to the mental framework over time, because they aren't grounded in solid thinking). Austin Steinbart fandom comes to mind.
As you say, there is PLENTY around to generate hope, and not only hope but optimism, inspiration and a determined outlook, but some folks will tend to lean towards the easy lift of the hopium-laced hallucinations.
What I find hard to figure out is why this post is stickied. "THIS IS AN ELITE RESEARCH BOARD" sometimes seems more like nostalgia than current description!
End rant.
Addendum: Please note. This is just a /rant/. Just sharing some mental impressions, and not meant to grieve the mods or offend the OP. Maybe I'm too harsh, but its a /rant/. This too shall pass....
OG fam seconds your post. I knew from the beginning Q was not one person, this op is not a fucking comic book. You are right on all points, and why I have to practice patience myself with those who are not fully achieved their own understanding of things. Not mad at them at all, but we don't stop digging and we don't define absolutes and give the media bait. And we do need to split up this forum into sub groups, it would REALLY help
No offense taken. I get that people are hesitant about being red pilled because of things like the flat earth troll and other psyops that discourage them from stretching our comfort zone on what is possible. We find ourselves being scared of ridicule on ideas even though actual logic can allow it. I think we need to ask ourselves one honest question. Is it possible for Q to have predicted the number of things that all us "OGs" know that Q has predicted if Q did not have some supernatural knowledge of the future? I don't mean supernatural in a strictly religious sense. I mean supernatural specifically in the sense of what science publicly acknowledges to be possible.
If our answer to my question is YES, if we are being honest with ourselves, we know that we are either being illogical or just don't have a clue about math or statistics by not being open to the possibilities of technology or other supernatural abilities within logical reason that exist and are unknown to the general public.
After everything that has happened in the last 8 years, if you can honestly call yourself an "OG", and still think the Baron Trump novels aren't comms and proof of time travel.
You are either ignorant of math and statistics, or just surprisingly missed out on the research.
If we continue to be the "BS" gatekeepers without actually having our finger on the pulse of what is possible then we put ourselves in a box, a box that is very similar to the box that the TDS libtards have put themselves in. I see it happening here already. A lot of OGs have deleted their accounts. All the real talent on this website will eventually move on, and we that remain will be locked in this box we seem to be putting ourselves in already.
Honestly I'm really starting to see what Q meant by "the end wont be for everyone"
I do get it though. I understand part of the problem. It's not like everyone knows statistics and has a good long term memory or the time to do the hard research. It's not like we have a paid full time mod team that has the time to separate ALL the BS shill traps from the next real red pill.
My real problem is why are there so many knee jerk negative reactions to stuff like this when it should be common knowledge that this is possible.
Why do people on here have very strong irrational religious beliefs that can't even be backed up by the bible (or whatever ancient text they hold sacred), let alone logic, but yet can't imagine that aliens/ETs/angels/demons/whatever, time travel, etc etc still exist with one true God ruling over all of it?
My advice to everyone here: learn statistics and science sooner rather than later. The world is either going in one of two ways, Star Trek or Hunger Games. If you think its Hunger Games then delete your account already and start prepping.
P.S. If this really ever was an "ELITE" research board, then Cats would have perma-banned flat earth on day one.
Yeah....? Nah. I could do a point by point breakdown and refutation of your arguments here, but is the effort worth it? I'll do just a couple, and leave it there.
I get that people are hesitant about being red pilled because of things like the flat earth troll and other psyops that discourage them from stretching our comfort zone on what is possible.
Implication that I'm hesitant about being red-pilled, or that I'm sheltering in a comfort zone about that is possible. Swing and a miss.
But more importantly, the narrative nuance you start out with is to draw a picture that implies a whole bunch of reasons why I disagree with your beliefs. It's way beyond unfounded assumption, which to me implies your not really interesting in increasing understanding, only in building up your own belief system.
A more blunt way to say it would be to write: "the only reason people don't agree with me is because they are scared, hesitant and stuck in a comfort zone."
scared of ridicule
Nope. Missed again.
we need to ask ourselves one honest question
Rhetorical device to tie the person(s) you are addressing in to your own grouping. "we" This imagined "we" is a construct in which you identify others by projecting your own view of yourself. Again, it also implies that (whoever - in this case a group you conceptually put me in) is NOT asking honest questions.
Is it possible for Q to have predicted the number of things that all us "OGs" know that Q has predicted
Here you go. "all of us OG's know that Q has predicted"
I suggest that you make a post listing those things that you think "all of us OG's know" and see how much agreement you get. I think you will find that your idea that Q "predicted" 'the number of things" is not shared by all that many. Myself, I certainly do not focus on or even give much cognitive emphasis to "predictions". Actually, I disagree with the idea that Q predicted X, y and z.
supernatural specifically in the sense of what science publicly acknowledges to be possible.
You'd have to flesh this out, because I fail to see what supernaturalness "science publicly acknowledges to be possible".
I'll stop there. I find your arguments to be wholly unconvincing, and moreover, to be rhetorically manipulative and frankly, self-focused, lacking objectivity.
But you do you. At least you kept it mostly civil.
My real problem is why are there so many knee jerk negative reactions
To be fully frank, I think your real problem is that you are unable to listen to objective feedback and utilize it to refine your evaluations and expand your view.
You think you grasp everything better than everyone else, and that the reasons they do not agree with your conclusions are all NEGATIVE. Which is a great method of being able to dismiss anything that disagrees with you, because.... they are all motivated by <negative> things: hesitancy, fear of ridicule, not being honest, putting one's self in box, etc.
Your peers have responded to you. You may want to reflect a bit and ask if maybe there isn't something for you to learn here....
I have one overall response and question for you. What if I do know more than you or most of the people here about whats really going on? Would that be somehow a bad thing for everyone? ....Its really not like I'm making stupid claims about stuff that can easily be disproven eg: "the earth is flat" or "trump is actually dead and has been replaced"
I'm sure there are people on here who know a whole lot more than they will ever admit me or you. If those people they make hard to swallow claims that cannot easily be disproved, does that then make them some how at odds with their "peers" (who don't like what they say for whatever reason)?
Thinking Barron is Q or on the Q team is exactly the way the death cult had us in this position in the first place. Cmon people, quit grasping at straws. there is plenty available to give you hope without resorting to believing the ludicrous."
Because the it makes them feel like they aren't like the OP and aren't falling for that crazy jump to conclusion stuff anymore....
...but really its just because it wasn't featured in a Scotty mar10 Video.
If those people they make hard to swallow claims that cannot easily be disproved,
The onus to 'prove' or make a case is on he who makes the claim, not the other way around.
Because the it makes them feel like they aren't like the OP and
I think when you start making claims about what other people are thinking or what they are feeling, you're on pretty shakey territory. One of the elements that in my view, weakens your arguments (case) rather than strengthening them.
By saying "we" I was just replying in turn to the way you were seemly making your comment to the general group. It also gave me a chance to address everyone with how I've been seeing things go around here. Also don't act like everyone disagreed with me or what trump was saying on the video or what the guy in the video was saying just because the loudest voices were negative.
Ask yourself one question: Would this post have gotten 99 updoots or 500+ 2 or 3 years ago? and remember this post was still %90 positive response
What has really changed?
P.S. The Mods unstickied my post right as I was responding to all the negative comments in order to lower visibility.
It doesn't take a conspiracy theorist to figure this one out.
I wouldn't ever delete my account here but for some reason a less than small portion of the big OGs and major contributors have have. Its a shame but they must have had good reasons.
Someone had to say it.
Between you and me, longtime, I think that some people are hungry but haven't learned how to cook a meal Q-style, or bake the bread, as it were.
We've still got OG anons here, but I feel like we also have a lot who joined in after Q stopped posting, and they don't really understand the need for rigorous self-reflection and critical research and analysis.
It's an understandable situation. As the breadth of the Awakening expands, it seems like a certain amount of it gets diluted. On the other hand, I guess we always had our hopium addicts (negative connotation: believing in ideas that deliver an emotional kick but which a deleterious to the mental framework over time, because they aren't grounded in solid thinking). Austin Steinbart fandom comes to mind.
As you say, there is PLENTY around to generate hope, and not only hope but optimism, inspiration and a determined outlook, but some folks will tend to lean towards the easy lift of the hopium-laced hallucinations.
What I find hard to figure out is why this post is stickied. "THIS IS AN ELITE RESEARCH BOARD" sometimes seems more like nostalgia than current description!
End rant.
Addendum: Please note. This is just a /rant/. Just sharing some mental impressions, and not meant to grieve the mods or offend the OP. Maybe I'm too harsh, but its a /rant/. This too shall pass....
This is a rant I can agree with, wholeheartedly. Thank you.
OG fam seconds your post. I knew from the beginning Q was not one person, this op is not a fucking comic book. You are right on all points, and why I have to practice patience myself with those who are not fully achieved their own understanding of things. Not mad at them at all, but we don't stop digging and we don't define absolutes and give the media bait. And we do need to split up this forum into sub groups, it would REALLY help
Interesting notion.
I think it would take a lot of work and manpower, and probably, the mods are overstretched as is...
No offense taken. I get that people are hesitant about being red pilled because of things like the flat earth troll and other psyops that discourage them from stretching our comfort zone on what is possible. We find ourselves being scared of ridicule on ideas even though actual logic can allow it. I think we need to ask ourselves one honest question. Is it possible for Q to have predicted the number of things that all us "OGs" know that Q has predicted if Q did not have some supernatural knowledge of the future? I don't mean supernatural in a strictly religious sense. I mean supernatural specifically in the sense of what science publicly acknowledges to be possible.
If our answer to my question is YES, if we are being honest with ourselves, we know that we are either being illogical or just don't have a clue about math or statistics by not being open to the possibilities of technology or other supernatural abilities within logical reason that exist and are unknown to the general public.
After everything that has happened in the last 8 years, if you can honestly call yourself an "OG", and still think the Baron Trump novels aren't comms and proof of time travel.
You are either ignorant of math and statistics, or just surprisingly missed out on the research.
If we continue to be the "BS" gatekeepers without actually having our finger on the pulse of what is possible then we put ourselves in a box, a box that is very similar to the box that the TDS libtards have put themselves in. I see it happening here already. A lot of OGs have deleted their accounts. All the real talent on this website will eventually move on, and we that remain will be locked in this box we seem to be putting ourselves in already.
Honestly I'm really starting to see what Q meant by "the end wont be for everyone"
I do get it though. I understand part of the problem. It's not like everyone knows statistics and has a good long term memory or the time to do the hard research. It's not like we have a paid full time mod team that has the time to separate ALL the BS shill traps from the next real red pill.
My real problem is why are there so many knee jerk negative reactions to stuff like this when it should be common knowledge that this is possible.
Why do people on here have very strong irrational religious beliefs that can't even be backed up by the bible (or whatever ancient text they hold sacred), let alone logic, but yet can't imagine that aliens/ETs/angels/demons/whatever, time travel, etc etc still exist with one true God ruling over all of it?
My advice to everyone here: learn statistics and science sooner rather than later. The world is either going in one of two ways, Star Trek or Hunger Games. If you think its Hunger Games then delete your account already and start prepping.
P.S. If this really ever was an "ELITE" research board, then Cats would have perma-banned flat earth on day one.
Yeah....? Nah. I could do a point by point breakdown and refutation of your arguments here, but is the effort worth it? I'll do just a couple, and leave it there.
Implication that I'm hesitant about being red-pilled, or that I'm sheltering in a comfort zone about that is possible. Swing and a miss.
But more importantly, the narrative nuance you start out with is to draw a picture that implies a whole bunch of reasons why I disagree with your beliefs. It's way beyond unfounded assumption, which to me implies your not really interesting in increasing understanding, only in building up your own belief system.
A more blunt way to say it would be to write: "the only reason people don't agree with me is because they are scared, hesitant and stuck in a comfort zone."
Nope. Missed again.
Rhetorical device to tie the person(s) you are addressing in to your own grouping. "we" This imagined "we" is a construct in which you identify others by projecting your own view of yourself. Again, it also implies that (whoever - in this case a group you conceptually put me in) is NOT asking honest questions.
Here you go. "all of us OG's know that Q has predicted"
I suggest that you make a post listing those things that you think "all of us OG's know" and see how much agreement you get. I think you will find that your idea that Q "predicted" 'the number of things" is not shared by all that many. Myself, I certainly do not focus on or even give much cognitive emphasis to "predictions". Actually, I disagree with the idea that Q predicted X, y and z.
You'd have to flesh this out, because I fail to see what supernaturalness "science publicly acknowledges to be possible".
I'll stop there. I find your arguments to be wholly unconvincing, and moreover, to be rhetorically manipulative and frankly, self-focused, lacking objectivity.
But you do you. At least you kept it mostly civil.
To be fully frank, I think your real problem is that you are unable to listen to objective feedback and utilize it to refine your evaluations and expand your view.
You think you grasp everything better than everyone else, and that the reasons they do not agree with your conclusions are all NEGATIVE. Which is a great method of being able to dismiss anything that disagrees with you, because.... they are all motivated by <negative> things: hesitancy, fear of ridicule, not being honest, putting one's self in box, etc.
Your peers have responded to you. You may want to reflect a bit and ask if maybe there isn't something for you to learn here....
NB: u/lithopedion
I have one overall response and question for you. What if I do know more than you or most of the people here about whats really going on? Would that be somehow a bad thing for everyone? ....Its really not like I'm making stupid claims about stuff that can easily be disproven eg: "the earth is flat" or "trump is actually dead and has been replaced"
I'm sure there are people on here who know a whole lot more than they will ever admit me or you. If those people they make hard to swallow claims that cannot easily be disproved, does that then make them some how at odds with their "peers" (who don't like what they say for whatever reason)?
Everyone loves reddoric like this:
Thinking Barron is Q or on the Q team is exactly the way the death cult had us in this position in the first place. Cmon people, quit grasping at straws. there is plenty available to give you hope without resorting to believing the ludicrous."
Because the it makes them feel like they aren't like the OP and aren't falling for that crazy jump to conclusion stuff anymore....
...but really its just because it wasn't featured in a Scotty mar10 Video.
The onus to 'prove' or make a case is on he who makes the claim, not the other way around.
I think when you start making claims about what other people are thinking or what they are feeling, you're on pretty shakey territory. One of the elements that in my view, weakens your arguments (case) rather than strengthening them.
By saying "we" I was just replying in turn to the way you were seemly making your comment to the general group. It also gave me a chance to address everyone with how I've been seeing things go around here. Also don't act like everyone disagreed with me or what trump was saying on the video or what the guy in the video was saying just because the loudest voices were negative.
Ask yourself one question: Would this post have gotten 99 updoots or 500+ 2 or 3 years ago? and remember this post was still %90 positive response
What has really changed?
P.S. The Mods unstickied my post right as I was responding to all the negative comments in order to lower visibility.
It doesn't take a conspiracy theorist to figure this one out.
I wouldn't ever delete my account here but for some reason a less than small portion of the big OGs and major contributors have have. Its a shame but they must have had good reasons.
Only if you measure upvotes vs downvotes.
The actual engaged responses overwhelmingly disagreed with your views (and approach?)
Truth or untruth is not determined by popular vote, but it's not true that the 'response' was 90% positive.
OK. I can accept that, although I think your characterization of the collective is off target.