just generational pyramid schemes that require a large cohort of young tax payers to continue running.
This was a major beef with obamacare and brought this issue, at least as applied to obamacare, into the national spotlight.
I am married to a Canadian. All my in-laws live there. My Dads mother is from Canada. Her entire family still lives there in Nova Scotia. My son lives and works in London. My wifes best friend lives in the Soo. I grew up in Detroit. My family has a vacation home in Grand Bend. I played travel hockey and spent much time in Canada playing there. Ive spent a shit load of my life in Canada. My condo is full of snowbirds bitching about Canadian health care endlessly. I am intimately aware of how it works in Canada.
Ya they werent all as dystopian as I made it seem but Im sure it was nearly all propaganda bullshit. It shows how long this grooming of children has been going on and how active its been.
You are the first person Ive run across that remember these. Did you go to a private school too?
We dont want Toronto, Montreal, Ottawa and Vancouver. The rest of Canada is disenfranchised through election fraud same as we are here. Did you not watch the trucker convoy across 3000 miles of Canada in the dead of winter and notice the tens of thousands of Canadians lining the highways in subzero cold? Did you miss the standoff in Coutts or at the Ambassador Bridge and Blue Water bridge?
Your statement is incredibly shallow and myopic.
You would rather stay in the death panel, convince you that assisted suicide is great, landscape?
My condo in Florida is filled with snowbirds paying cash out of pocket for procedures they have been waiting for years to get in Canada. They bitch about it endlessly.
My sister in law had to bring her own diapers and formula to the hospital when the baby was born.
Exclude them from using our Emergency Rooms as their PCP.
They use facial recognition tech too. That in itself is a deal breaker.
When I was in elementary school in the late 60s and early 70s we had these things called SRS Readers. They were about 10 page long short stories, color coded by topics, and we would have to do a short report on one every week. They were filled with stories on pollution and the coming ice age, overpopulation and mass starvation.
My Dad read one of my reports and was PISSED. He went to the school (private Catholic school) and had them removed from the curriculum for the next school year.
Hey look! We found one of those 4 to 6%.
Theres a cure for TDS sheep. Its called opening your eyes.
And Im sure the Presbyterians, Lutherans, Methodists, Mormons, Baptists, Episcopalians et al are totally blameless.
The Catholic hate makes me want to wretch. Its the same game Protestants have been playing since Martin Luther and his 95 Theses.
Who keeps these denominations out of the news? I know they are all involved just as I know the antipope is a satanist. The Pretestants love their lgbtq and tranny priests but they arent engaged in this cash for migrants scheme? None of their clergy are pedos?
Fuck man how do you guys fall for these psyops so easily? Maybe because for the last 40 years youve been trained this way by propagandists who trumpet the Catholic transgressions and hide those of any Protestant?
We have a very large control group at our disposal -- the Amish. The links should be easy to prove.
I dont know how you ever fix Haiti. Papa Doc and Baby Doc, with the C_As help, did irreparable harm to that country. Its is a fully criminal populace with a belief system any African witch doctor would balk at.
How do you people not understand the scale of this invasion? There at minimum 30 million illegals criminal aliens in this country and the death cult made sure to widely disperse them over the 3,531,900 sq mi of this country. These people arent sitting around in 50k person clumps. The ICE agents we have need to cover this 3.5 million square miles while also covering the 1951 mile border with Mexico and the 5525 mile long Canadian border.
Lets be realistic while making demands. It will be self deportation that accounts for most of those leaving and we will probably never see those numbers. Some may try to estimate it though.
Ive been thinking lately that the entire H1N1 or H5N1 or whatever they want to call it, is part of the psyop. When you look up the flu numbers you see Influenza A and Influenza B. The others are fear tactics. They make it scarier like its some heretofore unknown virus. But its not, its the friggin flu. My whole life Ive heard about bird flus and swine flus and they always turn into nothing.
BTW I am getting over a particularly nasty flu. I hadnt been sick in years. At least a decade. I suffered through it for a couple days then began ivermectin. Cleaned it right up overnight.
How do so many fall for so much bullshit? Its like at the end of every day its completely lost that we are in the middle of a psywar and we have to retrain people.
Ill say it one more time -- they will emotionally manipulate you into believing lies. They will pounce on your confirmation biases. They will wrap a grain of truth in so many lies that you travel the wrong path.
Think things through.
Weve been immersed in this shit for 8 years. Most of the public is just catching up. When it comes out that all the familiar names that have been at the top of our government for decades are ritually abusing and murdering children most wont accept it without preparation.
Its coming though, the story is getting out there and we are a big reason why through our research and red pilling. They may not fully believe us yet but once some official statements are made and indictments unsealed they will jump on the bandwagon. These statements made by those in government that the public through the generations has been gaslighted into trusting are an important step. So are all the news stories about low level officials being busted that make the news now on a nearly daily basis.
Due diligence + due process. By the book. Cant open yourself up to wrongful termination lawsuits. Id bet the farm that after a short investigation they are all fired for cause, indicted for fraud and lose their pensions.
Is it just me and my misogyny that notices that most of these people involved in election theft are women?
There are nearly 10k earthquakes per year registered in Southern California, or about 27 per day.
That move at the 50 second mark is no joke. Im not an aeronautical engineer but by the math that has to be damn near impossible to pull off. Split second timing under incredible stress.
The Polish President is a pos globalist plant. Ask Orban and Hungary what they think of Tusk. Hungary and Poland are inching towards war.
Stop remittances and watch 40 to 60% self deport.
He wasnt naive at all. It had to happen this way.
The citizenship clause in the 14th Amendment was intended to rectify the Dred Scott decision and nothing else. It came 1 year after the Civil War and 9 years after Dred Scott.
Even the modern nation state is full of competing interests. Expand this to a global scale and governance becomes impossible without an ironfist, forcing those who disagree to conform -- or else. You end up with two wolves and a sheep deciding what is for dinner.
What is good for those in Europe or Asia might be incredibly destructive to me in America. You would have to choose winners and losers. And I dont want some far off government with that type of power. Its bad enough as it is.
In the Star Trek propaganda, Spock says "the needs of the many outweigh the needs or the few -- or the one". This is simply untrue and opens us to all sorts of misdeeds against the individual or small group like genocide. The needs of the one matters too or we enter into a dystopian age that looks like Logans Run.
If we are to ever have a global system, that system is centuries in the future. First we need to learn to play nice with our next door neighbor.