This is why I refuse to wear a seat belt. I finally bought one of those bottle openers that clicks into the buckle holder so my car will finally stop dinging at me. They're fantastic.
It's government tyranny. The effectiveness of seatbelts is questionable at best. Either way, it should be a choice, not something we're forced to do in the privacy of our own vehicles. The government should not be able to regulate any activity in a car as long as the driver can safely operate it.
According to Marbury v Madison, almost none of this is actually disobeying anyways. "Any law repugnant to The Constitution is NULL and VOID."
Defiance to tyranny is obedience to God.
This is why I refuse to wear a seat belt. I finally bought one of those bottle openers that clicks into the buckle holder so my car will finally stop dinging at me. They're fantastic.
What's the logic behind not wearing seat belts? I know people who have been saved by them and I know others who have died because of them.
It's government tyranny. The effectiveness of seatbelts is questionable at best. Either way, it should be a choice, not something we're forced to do in the privacy of our own vehicles. The government should not be able to regulate any activity in a car as long as the driver can safely operate it.