Why would someone have their camera laser-focused on Building 7 when all hell was breaking loose all around them at the time? Not discounting any of the 9/11 info coming out but this immediately came to mind during my first watch of the clip.
It was 6 hours after the twin towers came down and maybe they heard the charges going off and then started recording. Could’ve also been somebody who already knew the truth. Just guesses.
I remember reading about a dude that was a courier that was told not to open the diplomatic pouch he was to deliver. He didn’t listen. The documents warned of the 9/11 event and bogus plane and terrorist plot. It has since been scrubbed from interwebs.
The “year” of the event 2001 was pre-determined in 1791 with the “refinancing” of the debt owed to international bankers by the American colonies and taken over by new Republic. Per international banking law a country has 3x 70 year periods to repay or refinance the debt before a FINAL 20 year resolution period (2021). 1791+70=1861 bankruptcy#1. 1861+70=1931 bankruptcy#2. 1931+70=2001 bankruptcy #3.
The “day” of the event Sept 11 was set sometime in 1933 when the bankruptcy#2 reorg was completed (suspected to be prior to Oct 15, 1933). David Rockefeller helped design and build WTC starting 1967 for destruction from the beginning with Stanley Kubrick releasing ‘2001: A Space Odyssey’ 33 years prior in 1968 with some direct references to a 2001 “event”.
Guess what Trump the businessman is an “expert” in? Bankruptcy reorganization. Yes, Trump was likely selected for his current mission prior to 2001. Note his “exploration” of running for POTUS in 1988, 1996, 2000, 2008, 2012 [33 years (initially 1988) before the last opportunity, for 2021 final resolution].
Very interesting. Those previous presidential "Explorations" might have been White Hats baiting the deep state with Trump to see what "control" tactics they would try on him.
Something tells me his two previous divorces may be a clue.
I see only hints of it right now, but it is possible that we are looking at a 200 year whitehat operation that goes back to 1825 (This is a mindblowing possibility to me). How do you beat cabal 100 year operational plans? Maybe by making a 200 year counter-operational plan run by military intelligence? Cabal operating cycles identified so far: https://greatawakening.win/p/15Ir27hJv4/repost-the-q-year-on-the-89s-891/
Here is the document that I suspect kicked it ALL off with incorporation of automatic stripping of citizenship of American citizens acting as foreign agents (likely precipitated by British agents compromising John Adams, destroying evidence of RATIFIED 13th Amendment [TONA], and then using War of 1812 to cover it up and force 2nd Bank of US, among other things): https://greatawakening.win/p/16aTa2w00Z/checkmate-deep-state-bitches-mil/c/
Every normie who sees this will go the videos edited... really wish this came out 15 years ago
Why would someone have their camera laser-focused on Building 7 when all hell was breaking loose all around them at the time? Not discounting any of the 9/11 info coming out but this immediately came to mind during my first watch of the clip.
It was 6 hours after the twin towers came down and maybe they heard the charges going off and then started recording. Could’ve also been somebody who already knew the truth. Just guesses.
Maybe they saw the first couple flashes, maybe they saw people coming out of the building after checking the charges.
Perhaps the charges failed at first ant it took them several hours to check them after waiting long enough to be sure that it wasn't a hang fire.
Do we think Trump just happened to show up to be interviewed then as well?
Is it possible that someone knew this was coming, but that the best thing they could do was expose it?
I remember reading about a dude that was a courier that was told not to open the diplomatic pouch he was to deliver. He didn’t listen. The documents warned of the 9/11 event and bogus plane and terrorist plot. It has since been scrubbed from interwebs.
The “year” of the event 2001 was pre-determined in 1791 with the “refinancing” of the debt owed to international bankers by the American colonies and taken over by new Republic. Per international banking law a country has 3x 70 year periods to repay or refinance the debt before a FINAL 20 year resolution period (2021). 1791+70=1861 bankruptcy#1. 1861+70=1931 bankruptcy#2. 1931+70=2001 bankruptcy #3.
The “day” of the event Sept 11 was set sometime in 1933 when the bankruptcy#2 reorg was completed (suspected to be prior to Oct 15, 1933). David Rockefeller helped design and build WTC starting 1967 for destruction from the beginning with Stanley Kubrick releasing ‘2001: A Space Odyssey’ 33 years prior in 1968 with some direct references to a 2001 “event”.
Guess what Trump the businessman is an “expert” in? Bankruptcy reorganization. Yes, Trump was likely selected for his current mission prior to 2001. Note his “exploration” of running for POTUS in 1988, 1996, 2000, 2008, 2012 [33 years (initially 1988) before the last opportunity, for 2021 final resolution].
Very interesting. Those previous presidential "Explorations" might have been White Hats baiting the deep state with Trump to see what "control" tactics they would try on him.
Something tells me his two previous divorces may be a clue.
I see only hints of it right now, but it is possible that we are looking at a 200 year whitehat operation that goes back to 1825 (This is a mindblowing possibility to me). How do you beat cabal 100 year operational plans? Maybe by making a 200 year counter-operational plan run by military intelligence? Cabal operating cycles identified so far: https://greatawakening.win/p/15Ir27hJv4/repost-the-q-year-on-the-89s-891/
Here is the document that I suspect kicked it ALL off with incorporation of automatic stripping of citizenship of American citizens acting as foreign agents (likely precipitated by British agents compromising John Adams, destroying evidence of RATIFIED 13th Amendment [TONA], and then using War of 1812 to cover it up and force 2nd Bank of US, among other things): https://greatawakening.win/p/16aTa2w00Z/checkmate-deep-state-bitches-mil/c/
I've seen this clip years and years ago. It's been out a long time. Maybe not 15 years, but a long time.