You have buildings suffering a DIRECT HIT FROM A MISSILE and they are still standing. But if a plane hits a building on the 91st floor, then the whole building, AND THE ONE NEXT TO IT, goes down because of said plane.
WTC, both towers designed structurally to withstand a direct impact by high speed, fully fueled bomber per a WW2-era incident where one hit top of Empire State building causing only superficial damage. This FACT now scrubbed from the normie internet.
The top of one of the towers ----- above the damage, was about to tip over --- tipping over would have looked normal ---- BUT THAT EXACT INSTANT ---- the tower started crumbling down ---- what a coincidence.
You have buildings suffering a DIRECT HIT FROM A MISSILE and they are still standing. But if a plane hits a building on the 91st floor, then the whole building, AND THE ONE NEXT TO IT, goes down because of said plane.
Yes, makes total sense.
WTC, both towers designed structurally to withstand a direct impact by high speed, fully fueled bomber per a WW2-era incident where one hit top of Empire State building causing only superficial damage. This FACT now scrubbed from the normie internet.
Aircraft have also hit NYC buildings since 2001 and the buildings have survived, but those stories also get scrubbed
When you see what a bird does to the nose cone of a plane then you're like wait, wat.
For me ---- the big fucking red flag was this.
The top of one of the towers ----- above the damage, was about to tip over --- tipping over would have looked normal ---- BUT THAT EXACT INSTANT ---- the tower started crumbling down ---- what a coincidence.