posted ago by RandomNumber ago by RandomNumber +43 / -0

Trans men taking testosterone getting ‘postmenopausal’ problems aged 28’ | Study found many had bladder and bowel symptoms they would expect to see in a woman after the menopause


...The researchers said the rate of urinary incontinence, where urine unintentionally leaks, was around three times higher in transgender men than women, affecting around one in four compared to eight per cent of the general female population. Other trans men suffered from frequent urinating including during the night, burning sensations, hesitancy, urgency and difficulty in going, while others had issues defecating.

...“The impact a bit of leaking has on these young people’s lives is huge. It really needs to be properly discussed within gender clinics because I would expect that almost 100 per cent of female people that take cross-sex hormones will end up with these problems,” she added, noting that the study was “robust” and probably underplayed the issue.

I'd heard of all the sexual dysfunctions that trannies experience, but this was a new one for me.

Another one to add to the list of things that pro-tranny crowd wants to impose on children.