JUST IN - Internet Archive under DDoS attack for the last several hours...👀
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what's all this about Pompeo and NK? Has that happened yet?
Did you read the post about "It's a long read"? In it they say that Pompeo took the CIA's supercomputers offline that were operating out of NK.
no havent had a chance to yet but its on my to read list! So is that a good thing, i.e. Pompeo is a triple agent white hat??
I suspect when the truth comes out that Homobama, Piglosi, Jack Dorcy @Twitter and possibly Pompeo have already visited N. Korea during Bath House Barry's administration, the C|A, FB|, Mou$$ad are going to remove any archived records that help support the truth.
Those are all old Q posts that told us to Archive Offline. If Q repeats something several times, we should take it seriously.
That's my take anyways.
Looky here: https://greatawakening.win/p/17tKipGbOU/this-is-a-long-read-but-i-found-/c/