**SOUTH AFRICAN ELECTIONS MEGA-THREAD** As y'all know, we have a yuge S. African contributor among us, u/purkiss80, and a lot is riding on these elections down there! Will the Great Awakening take a step forward, or a step back? Frogs, pray for South Africa tonight!

Payers going out to you & your country u/purkiss80
May God be with you & freedom be claimed for everyone.
Amen. 🙏
Ty 🙏
You are welcome. You are a fantastic contributor & have done amazing things to help keep this community alert. The least I can do is offer up prayers fren.
Good morning to all, I'm on my way to vote as we speak. These are the most important Elections in my Country since the 'Dawn of Democracy' in 1994.(30 Years Of Massive corruption) For the first time the ANC(communist fucks) wont get the Majority so there will have to be A Coalition Government...lets see what happens.... The Only problem we have here is that EVERYBODY wants to be in charge...In 1994 we had 5 Political parties....NOW, we Have Over 600..🙄😳... Thank you for your support...🙏🏻🙏🏻
My wife briefly mentioned the prime contenders for chief executive. My incomplete comprehension categorized them as Worse and Worst. I hope the election is more blessed than that.
600? Wow. Talk about herding cats...
Good luck to you and your countrymen. Sending prayers your way...
God bless you, purkiss80! And, God bless South Africa on this pivotal day! 💯❤️🙏🔥
purkiss, you should tell the forum that the ANC is probably one of the most corrupt governments in the world. Luckily they are so incompetent that they cannot carry out many of their racist policies, so the very fact that the state is failing protects us against the worst political excesses.
Lets hope that the excess micro-parties are mainly on the communist side!
Thank you for spurring that comment. Learning a lot about how bad it is out there.
I will ....
Rooting for South Africa!!