**SOUTH AFRICAN ELECTIONS MEGA-THREAD** As y'all know, we have a yuge S. African contributor among us, u/purkiss80, and a lot is riding on these elections down there! Will the Great Awakening take a step forward, or a step back? Frogs, pray for South Africa tonight!

Purkiss 80 is great. What I want to know is why SA is genocide ing whites in SA??? Your magic land doesn't make food automatically. Think, starvation. Didn't Russia kill their farmers??? What's the point? Dumb down the population and let them starve themselves???
They are doing the same in the west. Shutting down farms. Killing Chickens, Pigs, Cows. Making it impossible to farm. Burning the food processing facilities... And we sit around and watch it happen like a frog being boiled alive. How much you paying for Beef, Eggs, Chicken? They either want to kill alot of people through famine or they want to drive the cost up so much that people will start eating their fake shit made from bugs. Maybe both.
Basically its because they're Thick as fucking Pigshit...It Happened next door in Zimbabwe(Rhodesia) but they still insist that the food doesn't come from the farmers, it comes from the shops, but now they are begging the white farmers to come back to Zim....Please make it make sense....
Seriously? It makes PERFECT sense.
There's an open & blatant war on White People, pushed mostly by a (((certain group)))
What better way for them to wage this war than to actually, literally murder & genocide white people?
It's got nothing to do with food, farming, equality, nor the color of the lighthouse at Hereford; it's about punishing, demonizing, destroying and genociding White people and everything they've built.
Period, Full Stop, End of Story.
I have faith in the Lord all will be alright. God bless you and your people in SA.
Purkiss all my prayers are with you and the SA people. I have a great friend in SA that is keeping me informed of what is going on.
You do so much for us with your Class A journalism (you do better than the ones who call themselves that) and so we want to support you and SA in this very important election. Please keep us informed.
God Bless the SA people!
I had a great friend and ex-boss from Zimbabwe. What happened to them there was unthinkable. God bless Purkiss and good luck.
Thank you man. 🙏..We shall see what the Elections bring...
Any updates PK?
You can't make it make sense when those people have an average IQ of 70 and are functionally retarded.