299 Trump says "Buckle up" - Q Delta today says "Buckle Up" How many coincidences until mathematically impossible? Q-delta! posted 248 days ago by Red_Pill_Pusher_Man 248 days ago by Red_Pill_Pusher_Man +301 / -2 https://www.yahoo.com/news/trump-campaign-warns-biden-buckle-080010674.html u/#q4368 67 comments share 67 comments share save hide report block hide replies
Buckle up, was a huge thing on superstonk 2 years ago after Ryan Cohen said it.
Interesting, today is the day when CAT system is up and running.
Didn't he say buckle up at the anualstockholders meeting? I remember having that as my flair on superstonk,along with about 1/2 million other people.
It's been 84 years I don't remember all the details.
Yeah, it was his first speech in the meeting after he became Chairman
What is a CAT system?
Consolidated Audit Trail
Don’t edge me bro no Diddy
FUD articals are on MSM saying it the safest play to short. Cost to borrow jumped yesterday from5-15%.
That should do it for you.
Pepperidge farm remembers.