Since I'm being accused of hate, let's be truthful:
I hate how lefties think they have a right to hijack language.
Homophobe is a combination word that literally means "fear of the same", which makes no real sense, but sounds catchy.
On another level, there is an arrogance to this statement that just pisses people off, and I think this will be the next thing that the majority just says "fuck off, we've had enough". How inviting and courteous they are: wishing the majority of the population of normal people "a super uncomfortable month". 🙄🙄
The entire pride narrative is a tool used in social engineering.
I'm not afraid of homos.
I'm disgusted by them.
There's a big difference.
Glad I canceled them several years ago.
They can eat a bag of rotten dicks.
My rainbow has an ark underneath it.
Don't bother me, I love rainbows and am a proud homophobe, if there is such a thing...
Since I'm being accused of hate, let's be truthful:
I hate how lefties think they have a right to hijack language.
Homophobe is a combination word that literally means "fear of the same", which makes no real sense, but sounds catchy.
On another level, there is an arrogance to this statement that just pisses people off, and I think this will be the next thing that the majority just says "fuck off, we've had enough". How inviting and courteous they are: wishing the majority of the population of normal people "a super uncomfortable month". 🙄🙄
I echo that: they can fuck off.
stupid commies
Their arrogance is that not liking them means we're uncomfortable with them.
I don't care what they do in private. It's when they involved kids that made many more speak up, including people formerly on their side.
When they got offended that Disney was called groomers and labeled it "homopebic", that was checkmate to their entire movement.
It may not happen immediately, it may not even happen for years yet, but their movement will continue to dismantle itself.