Trump makes deals and in his rise to power he has pissed off a lot of people. They all save face in public because they are all chess pieces and they understand their role (taught to them in the secret societies).
In general, Trump has been good at covering his tracks, but understand this, this group is trying to use process crimes as if they were criminal or somehow worthy of impeachment.
Has Trump ever broken the law? Yes.
Has it ever been knowingly? Yes.
Unrelated to his tenure as POTUS.
Was it ever a high crime against USA? No.
45 loves America and has never committed Treason. Perceived laws could be RICO pertaining to his real estate business.
He may have used existing laws that favored corp interests (already in place for this reason) to build his properties. Not sure if it falls under RICO, the statutes are clear.
RICO can be used to take down corporate interests that exploit laws for corporate development when the business interest is a violation of the law or is fundamentally corrupt. Trump organizations were not corrupt in the sense that people were cheated while engaging in commerce.
RICO laws were created so they could be used to take down "crimes" they knew happened but had no evidence for. Trump's RICO was building hotels and such. Not smuggling cocaine or children.
He is not a pervert or murderer. He's cut people dry in the past when he felt he was being cheated. He covers his tracks up and there are some people who were cheated out of "good deals" in the past. Unrelated to his tenure as POTUS. Attempts to "seek Justice" are spite/revenge.
At the expense of the United States of America. However the higher crimes of the Clinton Foundation / Haiti + Jeffrey Epstein is what has "paralyzed the right's judgement" to the left. No "credible by the left media machine" evidence has been presented ever.
They genuinely believe that those who believe in the fact that the Clintons and Epstein were trafficking thousands of children into sex slavery is trauma the Country will suffer. It will come out.
15/ The Cabal's arm inside the Justice Department is attempting to indict President Trump over process crimes that are easily and legally negotiated to mutual legality. He covers his tracks. Their crimes are coming out and they are in full PANIC mode. POTUS is fully protected.
I am not here (personal posts and comments) for “the clicks” and/or ANY “upvotes”, but the “downvotes” are probably from:
Although I only became aware of the Q drops at least a year after the last drops in 2020 I “took the oath” and be a “modern midnight rider” and continue to do so.
Sad but true.
Trump makes deals and in his rise to power he has pissed off a lot of people. They all save face in public because they are all chess pieces and they understand their role (taught to them in the secret societies).
In general, Trump has been good at covering his tracks, but understand this, this group is trying to use process crimes as if they were criminal or somehow worthy of impeachment.
Has Trump ever broken the law? Yes.
Has it ever been knowingly? Yes.
Unrelated to his tenure as POTUS.
Was it ever a high crime against USA? No.
45 loves America and has never committed Treason. Perceived laws could be RICO pertaining to his real estate business.
He may have used existing laws that favored corp interests (already in place for this reason) to build his properties. Not sure if it falls under RICO, the statutes are clear.
RICO can be used to take down corporate interests that exploit laws for corporate development when the business interest is a violation of the law or is fundamentally corrupt. Trump organizations were not corrupt in the sense that people were cheated while engaging in commerce.
RICO laws were created so they could be used to take down "crimes" they knew happened but had no evidence for. Trump's RICO was building hotels and such. Not smuggling cocaine or children.
He is not a pervert or murderer. He's cut people dry in the past when he felt he was being cheated. He covers his tracks up and there are some people who were cheated out of "good deals" in the past. Unrelated to his tenure as POTUS. Attempts to "seek Justice" are spite/revenge.
u/#q4213 u/#q4815
At the expense of the United States of America. However the higher crimes of the Clinton Foundation / Haiti + Jeffrey Epstein is what has "paralyzed the right's judgement" to the left. No "credible by the left media machine" evidence has been presented ever.
They genuinely believe that those who believe in the fact that the Clintons and Epstein were trafficking thousands of children into sex slavery is trauma the Country will suffer. It will come out.
15/ The Cabal's arm inside the Justice Department is attempting to indict President Trump over process crimes that are easily and legally negotiated to mutual legality. He covers his tracks. Their crimes are coming out and they are in full PANIC mode. POTUS is fully protected.
Trump is squeaky clean. He has broken no laws.
Thank you so much for taking the time to write all this knowledge , I was glad to read it , as I’m sure many on here were as well !!! cool of you !
Your welcome. 🐸🐸🐸
I am not here (personal posts and comments) for “the clicks” and/or ANY “upvotes”, but the “downvotes” are probably from: u/#q3029
Although I only became aware of the Q drops at least a year after the last drops in 2020 I “took the oath” and be a “modern midnight rider” and continue to do so.
u/#q4880 u/#q4638 u/#q4510
Another new account doing what they do.