π€π±π U.S. Government PSYOP Needs to be Zeroed Out and Re-started Under Constitutional Principles π€π±π
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No, the US government PSYOP needs to be zeroed out and stopped. Period.
Has anyone deduced why they're going to such extreme efforts to completely screw with us?
I mean there must be a REALLY good reason for all the deception. Just greed + "control" and "we suck saytan" isn't good enough of a reason.
Think of how cheap and easy life could be if we just followed the constitution... Now compare that to the trillions+ all the bs... and insanity/syco behavior
WHY ? Think...
There is.
How America used to work:
They have successfully bred us away from our founding principles. WE THE PEOPLE, in the form of a militia / posse are the ULTIMATE LAW OF THE LAND. Not the president. Not congress. Not the supreme court. THE PEOPLE.