Hillary’s getting merch…
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Would love to put that same image on a mug and caption it with "Turns out she's a corrupt narcissistic psycho bitch"
But I don't spend time anywhere that would let me use that to trigger Leftards.
She was wrong about Russia russia and instigated the entire thing using 9mil dem raised funds to pay for the dirty deed.
How many times is Trump going to WIN 2024 before winning 2024?
Biden, many arrests, now this? Nobody wants to Cee yoU Next Tuesday HRC. Bye-bye.
Her Body Bag count disagrees
No one wants an old bag…put that on her mug!
Would love to see Trump crush her
They have stolen Trump's meme. "Turns out he was right about everything."
Just exactly what has Hillary been right about?
I predicted this on here a couple of weeks back. The ones who could take Bidens place are
(!) Kamala- Hyena laughs too much. Was appointed the Border Czar and did NOTHING. Knows nothing about politics. Acts like a Kindergarten teacher.
(2) Michele Obama- Doesn't have any policies to run on as she was never President, a Senator or a Congresswoman. Only thing she has is the school lunch program when Obama was Prez and it Flopped.
(3) Gavin Newsom- DESTROYED California. Smiles too much as if he's the best the world has to offer. Drained the Water supply. No one wants him.
(4) Gretchen Whitmer- Faked her own kidnapping. Allowed her husband the rights to go boating/sailing when we were on lockdown. Killed elderly in Nursing Homes during Covid. Sneaky smile.
(5) Hillary- Was first Lady and Secretary of State. Knows how the Deep State runs and is a member of their Swamp. She ran once against Trump and now I believe the Democrats will give her the shot to run again so she can STEAL the election and claim she legally won it.
Yup, narrative sounds right - and then, Frazzledrip.
I knew it! was just talking about her in a comment yesterday...I don't think she's done yet!👽
That's some 100% pure imported quality grade Copium they're selling.