On the judgement day, many will call Jesus Lord, Lord, and they will list out all of their pious works. A life time of works in His name. Even miracles. And Jesus will say to them, I never knew you. Depart from me you workers of iniquity.
It's in Matthew 7. Now, in light of that, how can someone so obviously pious and active in Jesus's name nevertheless be damned? What happened? On what basis are they judged? What did they do wrong? How can this be?
The Bible is full of contradictions. That makes sense, since it was written by an untold number of unknown men, over a period of centuries.
What doesn't make sense is saying Jesus loves and forgives all, just like his Dad ("God is Love"); and that no matter what you've done in life, Jesus will act like he never knew you.
It certainly seems to, but maybe that comes mostly from the fact that we have been lied to about what it says (in original Hebrew and Greek), and what it means.
Nowhere in the Bible does it say that Jesus loves everyone. That is what people say -- people who don't read it, or who misunderstand it. The Bible itself does not say that.
Clearly, there were those who Jesus hated. He did not love everyone. People who say that WANT the Bible to say that, but it does not.
I don’t agree with everything you say on this, which is fine, because I don’t necessarily agree with everything I, myself say on things, but you are absolutely on to some stuff with these comments.
What specifically, we will find out eventually.
This one I agree 100% though. “I came not to bring peace but a sword”, people! And no, Muslims, not a PHYSICAL sword. A spiritual dividing line that results in separating oneself from the corruption and working to establish righteousness.
This is a common misunderstanding of the text and not a contradiction. The short version is that we are beings of sin and that we cannot earn our salvation through "works". We can only genuinely repent and ask Jesus for Mercy. The "fruit of the spirit" is "works". You choose faith first, then works follow.
What you should do is learn enough Biblical theology so that it does makes sense. Rather than insisting that it doesn't makes sense even though you clearly don't even understand it. Then you will have understanding.
On the judgement day, many will call Jesus Lord, Lord, and they will list out all of their pious works. A life time of works in His name. Even miracles. And Jesus will say to them, I never knew you. Depart from me you workers of iniquity.
It's in Matthew 7. Now, in light of that, how can someone so obviously pious and active in Jesus's name nevertheless be damned? What happened? On what basis are they judged? What did they do wrong? How can this be?
The Bible is full of contradictions. That makes sense, since it was written by an untold number of unknown men, over a period of centuries.
What doesn't make sense is saying Jesus loves and forgives all, just like his Dad ("God is Love"); and that no matter what you've done in life, Jesus will act like he never knew you.
It certainly seems to, but maybe that comes mostly from the fact that we have been lied to about what it says (in original Hebrew and Greek), and what it means.
Nowhere in the Bible does it say that Jesus loves everyone. That is what people say -- people who don't read it, or who misunderstand it. The Bible itself does not say that.
Clearly, there were those who Jesus hated. He did not love everyone. People who say that WANT the Bible to say that, but it does not.
I don’t agree with everything you say on this, which is fine, because I don’t necessarily agree with everything I, myself say on things, but you are absolutely on to some stuff with these comments.
What specifically, we will find out eventually.
This one I agree 100% though. “I came not to bring peace but a sword”, people! And no, Muslims, not a PHYSICAL sword. A spiritual dividing line that results in separating oneself from the corruption and working to establish righteousness.
This is a common misunderstanding of the text and not a contradiction. The short version is that we are beings of sin and that we cannot earn our salvation through "works". We can only genuinely repent and ask Jesus for Mercy. The "fruit of the spirit" is "works". You choose faith first, then works follow.
What you should do is learn enough Biblical theology so that it does makes sense. Rather than insisting that it doesn't makes sense even though you clearly don't even understand it. Then you will have understanding.