posted ago by cringerepublic ago by cringerepublic +30 / -3

The process of rationalizing the world is coming to an end.

It arguably began with Aristotle and continued to develop through Catholic scholastic teaching, finally reaching it's zeal during the enlightenment and throughout the 20th century. But something is changing. People are beginning to discover that "things" aren't quite as real as we once thought. Our perspective and the way we choose to interpret and interact with our environment is truly what creates the world we can experience. Without this human interpretation, we're all just undistinguished matter with no meaning or purpose.

People are rediscovering this concept in droves.

If you go to an African village that still practices paganism, you'll see them point and talk to a God that's completely invisible to non-believers. Is it imaginary? Yes. But so is the chair you sit on. So are the images you see on TV, your sense of self, and even your own family. Every "thing" is shaped by our interpretation. Strictly speaking, existence is one unity that all participates in. The world we actually experience is created by purpose.

We have more control over this than one would expect. What we deem insanity is a different interpretation of reality. We see how having a different interpretation causes different behavior at every level. Zoomers and gen Alfa are discovering this through social media and learning that they really can experience being a cat or a Harry Potter character. And they can. Just like a schizophrenic really can experience being gang stalked and an anorexic can experience struggling with her weight, any human being is free to live in the reality they want. The ancients were given a religious interpretation that lead to ritual and certain beliefs about things. That was all done away with, but I think human beings will always crave that sort of enchanted world. It's built into our DNA.