Most conservative White people would prefer an equally qualified Black person over an equally qualified White person. Liberals just prefer the minority regardless of if they're the best person for the job, but when both options are equal, even so-called "racist" White people seem to support a minor form of affirmative action.
Even the very few White people who generally hold negative feelings towards minorities seem to love being proven wrong with individual examples. They'll always give extra support to the minority who bucks what they see as the norm.
So I'm reluctant to believe that racism as taught in schools even exists. The most racist people I've known irl just hold negative stereotypes and are more than happy to recognize people who don't adhere to them.
Racism is just a form of Tribalism that we are born with.
BUT... in my view.
God made us Tribal only for a short period of time. God did not want us to fight each other over race forever.
The biggest racial barrier between humans is language and communication.
Which is why White Russians who only speak russian. Cannot live amoung white french.
They simply cannot understand each other.
What makes America unique. You have many cultures all speaking a single language.
Once that happens.
Tribalism is suppose to die out. Because now we can communicate and work with each other as a team.
yes, and those white people that prefer the equally qualified poc do that so they buck the stereotype of all whites are racist, which actually shows they are indeed racist.
The racism taught in schools and through out the MSM news and entertainment is anti-white racism. It's been going on since they opened the country to third world immigration, and only the blind liberals refuse to see it.
No other race has been taught to go against the best interests of their people. Only whites have received that propaganda, and many have fallen for it.
"Most conservative White people would prefer an equally qualified Black person over an equally qualified White person"
This line does NOT resonate with me and my decision making process.
Get me the best PERSON at doing a particular job.
i have fallen into the trap of becoming racist due to the insane amounts of forced/incentivized immigration (vancouverite here)
however, i go to a mostly black church, and i love everyone there. because its a very good church.
at the end of the day, i really just hate communosatanic globohomo and its destructive policies. it truly has nothing to do with race. just strategic maneuvering of cultures by an adversary that wants to create chaos so that it can create order with itself at the top.
the devil is a liar.
Admit it, you go to the black church for the music, nothing else.
you couldn't be more wrong. its simply the best, most powerful and most Biblical church I've ever encountered, by an incredibly wide margin. Based AF.
there's music too, and its an important component, but its not what you're picturing, and makes up just 15 or 20 minutes of a 4-hour service.
maybe they like to see a black person rise above the culture-trap
That's why a little bit of racism is good. So that you rebel against it by recognizing and celebrating people who defy their cultural race programming.
It's the cultural marxists that want to pretend racism doesn't exist or shouldn't be tolerated, or should be evenly countered by reverse racism to people who actually are minority NPCs perfectly proliferating cultural race programming
And its funny and we laugh when those white cultural marxists become themselves victims of cultural race programming "We're on your side...! Stop! We're on your side!!" Enjoy being hospitalized by a group of cowards that never would behave that way one on one.
Better to be just a little racist. Better to racially profile. Keeps you safe. It's called realism
I grew up in a city that celebrates the various races and nationalities. Walking in the Italian neighborhood you'd smell mom cooking tomato sauce or in the slavic neighborhoods you'd smell the fried onions that go on perogies. There were big festivals where every race/nationality showcased their culture. I never even heard of racism until I was older.
But just last night a thought came to me: what happened to professional black women. Like James, Willis, Congress women, the various black female mayors? If I were in their shoes, I would want to leave a meaningful legacy, to make a good difference in my city for all people, Instead I see only hatred and greed.
Instead of taking down confederate statues, these very people should take down the MLK memorial because his vision is completely opposite theirs.