He wants to know why he knows no one who died of Covid but four who were injured from the vaccine.
Stay curious. Stay rational but stay open-minded. 🔥
"It's worth noting the providence of that phrase. It comes directly from the Central Intelligence Agency. In the aftermath of the murder of our President, John Kennedy. There was a very famous and entirely fake investigation into it called the Warren Commission. People were reading it critically noticed anomalies and raised questions about it. That phrase conspiracy theorist entered the lexicon in my country. It was designed to shout down and shame people who ask legitimate questions...
There are far more people who just noticed like well that doesn't make any sense. You told me it was safe and effective. How come I don't know anybody who died of covid but four people were injured from the vax? What is that? 'Shut up, conspiracy theorist. Racist.'
The first step is recognizing that that's a control tool. Those are not the responses of someone who seeks an honest adult conversation with you where you share evidence where you arrive at consensus. That's someone who believes that he can make you shut up like you would by yelling at your dog so he can go do something awful without you interfering with him. So anyone who uses the term conspiracy theorist is by definition discredited. Why don't you address the specifics of the claim I'm making? Doesn't mean every theory is true. Given what we now know about so many different things how can I in good faith dismiss something out of hand? I just can't at this point. You have to stay curious, stay rational. People should always stay rational. Where is the evidence for it? But stay open-minded."
Yep.... this is a really great talk. I especially enjoyed him spelling out what all good Americans think and believe as sovereigns. (Around 44:45 min into 1hr talk)
Their are enough facts know and can be proven, to completely destroy their narrative. We don't really need any more evidence, we just need the American people to look into it...... Now than many people see how they act today this will wake up more people.
When some people hear "conspiracy theory", they think wacko and their brains turn off.
When I hear someone say "conspiracy theory" my ears perk up and I want to know more about it. Even if it's batshit crazy, at least it's more interesting than anything on TV.
And also the term is used as a weapon by patriots exposing batshit bonkers left-wing conspiracy theories, like Republicans want to shoot all blacks and homosexuals, and that's why they want guns to be legal.
He wants to know why he knows no one who died of Covid but four who were injured from the vaccine. Stay curious. Stay rational but stay open-minded. 🔥
"It's worth noting the providence of that phrase. It comes directly from the Central Intelligence Agency. In the aftermath of the murder of our President, John Kennedy. There was a very famous and entirely fake investigation into it called the Warren Commission. People were reading it critically noticed anomalies and raised questions about it. That phrase conspiracy theorist entered the lexicon in my country. It was designed to shout down and shame people who ask legitimate questions... There are far more people who just noticed like well that doesn't make any sense. You told me it was safe and effective. How come I don't know anybody who died of covid but four people were injured from the vax? What is that? 'Shut up, conspiracy theorist. Racist.' The first step is recognizing that that's a control tool. Those are not the responses of someone who seeks an honest adult conversation with you where you share evidence where you arrive at consensus. That's someone who believes that he can make you shut up like you would by yelling at your dog so he can go do something awful without you interfering with him. So anyone who uses the term conspiracy theorist is by definition discredited. Why don't you address the specifics of the claim I'm making? Doesn't mean every theory is true. Given what we now know about so many different things how can I in good faith dismiss something out of hand? I just can't at this point. You have to stay curious, stay rational. People should always stay rational. Where is the evidence for it? But stay open-minded."
Morpheus was right 😎
And: https://pennybutler.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/05/matrix-system-unplugged.jpg
I do have theories that certain groups conspire to create scenarios that benefit them. What's wrong with that?
Yep.... this is a really great talk. I especially enjoyed him spelling out what all good Americans think and believe as sovereigns. (Around 44:45 min into 1hr talk)
Entire talk here: https://next-prod.tuckercarlson.com/tucker-speech-australia
Their are enough facts know and can be proven, to completely destroy their narrative. We don't really need any more evidence, we just need the American people to look into it...... Now than many people see how they act today this will wake up more people.
CIA creation, I knew but didn't know the thing that prompted the creation. JFK assassination is good addition to this red pill.
When some people hear "conspiracy theory", they think wacko and their brains turn off.
When I hear someone say "conspiracy theory" my ears perk up and I want to know more about it. Even if it's batshit crazy, at least it's more interesting than anything on TV.
This could be the document: https://files.catbox.moe/zwxya3.jpg
And also the term is used as a weapon by patriots exposing batshit bonkers left-wing conspiracy theories, like Republicans want to shoot all blacks and homosexuals, and that's why they want guns to be legal.
Their tool is broken due to overuse. It isn't working anymore. I wear it as a badge of healthy suspicion.