Yeah, that entire train of thought makes no sense, to me at least. If Biden is following directions of the white hats then the white hats are to blame for the disaster of the last 3+ years.
I know, lot of people get confused by this point. I have written about this a few times and happy to explain what I think is happening, which explains everything we are seeing.
The Q team took out the heads of the Cabal in 2017. They then took control of the strings and allowed the cabal puppets, after initial panic, to believe that they are now working for new masters.
Then the Q team simply spread the fear that they Trump was going to arrest them all and send them to Gitmo. Thats it. The Cabal puppets started doing what they do best. They came up with their plans for decapacitate Trump admin, and hasten their plans to enslave the world.
Everything done over the past few years has been what the Cabal was planning to do anyway, but in a hasty and paniced manner.
Q team, at the head of the strings, simple acted as a guardrail to ensure they dont go out of control and while panicing them even further, ensured that everything they do gets exposed to public in a very graduated and controlled manner.
Biden, who is most probably a high ranking WH asset in a mask, lets them believe that he is under their control, and acting like an imbecile allows them to take over his admin but where necessary he throws a wrench into their plans.
Ultimately, everything thats been happening over the last 3 years is a fraction of what was already planned for us.
You may not find that fraction palatable, and thats understandable. But remember this - the fraction of the disaster we are watching unfold is absolutely the minimum necessary to ensure the whole world wakes up.
When a father forces his son to smoke a pack of cigarettes upon catching him smoking one - thats the absolutely minimum amount of pain necessary to be sure that the son would never touch cigarettes.
And we are making sure that humanity will never allow themselves to be seduced by Satan ever again.
What is the correct term when the opponent puts himself at a losing position because he is secretly working with the good guys to wake the people up?
Qugqwang, I would think.
That sounds more like you are laughing at someone else's dick... which might still work in this situation.
Hahaha. For the win!!!!
Yeah, that entire train of thought makes no sense, to me at least. If Biden is following directions of the white hats then the white hats are to blame for the disaster of the last 3+ years.
I know, lot of people get confused by this point. I have written about this a few times and happy to explain what I think is happening, which explains everything we are seeing.
The Q team took out the heads of the Cabal in 2017. They then took control of the strings and allowed the cabal puppets, after initial panic, to believe that they are now working for new masters.
Then the Q team simply spread the fear that they Trump was going to arrest them all and send them to Gitmo. Thats it. The Cabal puppets started doing what they do best. They came up with their plans for decapacitate Trump admin, and hasten their plans to enslave the world.
Everything done over the past few years has been what the Cabal was planning to do anyway, but in a hasty and paniced manner.
Q team, at the head of the strings, simple acted as a guardrail to ensure they dont go out of control and while panicing them even further, ensured that everything they do gets exposed to public in a very graduated and controlled manner.
Biden, who is most probably a high ranking WH asset in a mask, lets them believe that he is under their control, and acting like an imbecile allows them to take over his admin but where necessary he throws a wrench into their plans.
Ultimately, everything thats been happening over the last 3 years is a fraction of what was already planned for us.
You may not find that fraction palatable, and thats understandable. But remember this - the fraction of the disaster we are watching unfold is absolutely the minimum necessary to ensure the whole world wakes up.
When a father forces his son to smoke a pack of cigarettes upon catching him smoking one - thats the absolutely minimum amount of pain necessary to be sure that the son would never touch cigarettes.
And we are making sure that humanity will never allow themselves to be seduced by Satan ever again.
Thank you for explaining your interpretation of what's happening. That's way too far of a stretch for me to make.
No way Biden is working for the good guys.
A SuperSting....