Stickying this. Very interesting discussions to be had from this regarding what a post awakened world will look like.
This comment in the YT chat was rather thought provoking . . .
I realized this when I was in third grade when California passed a law where all drivers had to have insurance. I realized that laws could generate entire markets. I call them false markets.
With the recent Supreme Court rulings on Chevron, we are about to see many Deep State sectors of government completely shut down. These in turn will have a cascading effect through society where many of these "bullshit jobs" will cease to exist.
It would be interesting to get some discussion going on this post regarding what Anons believe the jobs market will look like after the Fall of the Cabal and Deep State.
I liked listening to this because I've had the same opinion that most work is just make work, to keep us busy. It seemed to be about trying to make people buy stuff they don't need. Maybe more could be accomplished if less time is better spent, and 5 or 6 hour days (some venues would use 2 shifts) would be more civilized.
Ooh ooh is it okay to talk about the car insurance mandate now? I've been bitching about that one for years, (particularly when the discussion of Romn^^^^Obamacare comes up) but conservatives have been weirdly protective of the car insurance mandate.
They’re also staunch defenders of pre-crime (victimless crimes in which the state inserts itself as a victim) and unnecessary registration like drivers’ licenses.
Vibe reminds me of that video on Briteon from 2020/2021 that shows a MASSIVE potential lawsuit in a future court system and a detailed description of what a post awakened world would be like I think it’s called ‘friends of the original constitution’
It brought tears to my eyes because it sounds too good to be true. Very heady.
I hate to burst anyone's bubble, but the economy has been fake since the dotcom crash of 2001 and 2008 (yes, before Obama got in) was where they stopped trying to hide it.
Then after actually being in corporate and witnessing all the idiots they brought in on a hiring spree that did ABSOLUTELY NOTHING in our rapidly growing company (I hired on #79 , this was employee #800+ in 6 years)
These aholes started holding meetings, where previously it was unnecessary - just send an email - generating an INCREDIBLE amount of wasted time - and double speak bullshit entered the chat - where to my dismay I had to endure people saying "low hanging fruit" and other bs corporate sayings WITHOUT CRACKING UP or telling them GTFOOH are you serious - c'mon I have actual shit to do - why am I even in this meeting???
Then other companies - the amount of waste, failure and fuckery is MAGNANIMOUS - and it's EVERY ONE!!! If you do any service job that takes you to a myriad of businesses, regardless if sector, THEY'RE ALL bloated inefficient pieces of crap. And it makes you wonder... How in the hell are they staying in business??? I couldn't run my business like a drunken retard and make all that bank - what's their secret???
Stickying this. Very interesting discussions to be had from this regarding what a post awakened world will look like.
This comment in the YT chat was rather thought provoking . . .
With the recent Supreme Court rulings on Chevron, we are about to see many Deep State sectors of government completely shut down. These in turn will have a cascading effect through society where many of these "bullshit jobs" will cease to exist.
It would be interesting to get some discussion going on this post regarding what Anons believe the jobs market will look like after the Fall of the Cabal and Deep State.
Will listen to this whole thing while at work tomorrow and hopefully be able to join in the conversation.
I see what you did there. Well played, sir. Well played, indeed.
I liked listening to this because I've had the same opinion that most work is just make work, to keep us busy. It seemed to be about trying to make people buy stuff they don't need. Maybe more could be accomplished if less time is better spent, and 5 or 6 hour days (some venues would use 2 shifts) would be more civilized.
Ooh ooh is it okay to talk about the car insurance mandate now? I've been bitching about that one for years, (particularly when the discussion of Romn^^^^Obamacare comes up) but conservatives have been weirdly protective of the car insurance mandate.
I wonder what changed.
They’re also staunch defenders of pre-crime (victimless crimes in which the state inserts itself as a victim) and unnecessary registration like drivers’ licenses.
Vibe reminds me of that video on Briteon from 2020/2021 that shows a MASSIVE potential lawsuit in a future court system and a detailed description of what a post awakened world would be like I think it’s called ‘friends of the original constitution’ It brought tears to my eyes because it sounds too good to be true. Very heady.
Reminder that Covid lockdowns and MSM talking about "non-essential workers" is what started waking people up to this.
Before lockdowns this topic was just never discussed. The Antiwork movement started during lockdowns.
Was all planned to be a huge part of the great awakening imho.
I hate to burst anyone's bubble, but the economy has been fake since the dotcom crash of 2001 and 2008 (yes, before Obama got in) was where they stopped trying to hide it.
Keep going back further...
When was the gold standard dropped?
1933: The gold standard was suspended by President Roosevelt.
1971: The United States stopped converting dollars to gold at a fixed rate.
1974: The United States officially abandoned the gold standard.
Even further now, Fren, when did we stop using silver and gold as money instead of just gold or fiat?
Most jobs are nothing more than thinly veiled drudgery.
Video brings up some interesting points...
I've thought this for years - I call them "rock washing" jobs, after Irwin Schiff's How an Economy Grows and Why it Doesn't
Then after actually being in corporate and witnessing all the idiots they brought in on a hiring spree that did ABSOLUTELY NOTHING in our rapidly growing company (I hired on #79 , this was employee #800+ in 6 years)
These aholes started holding meetings, where previously it was unnecessary - just send an email - generating an INCREDIBLE amount of wasted time - and double speak bullshit entered the chat - where to my dismay I had to endure people saying "low hanging fruit" and other bs corporate sayings WITHOUT CRACKING UP or telling them GTFOOH are you serious - c'mon I have actual shit to do - why am I even in this meeting???
Then other companies - the amount of waste, failure and fuckery is MAGNANIMOUS - and it's EVERY ONE!!! If you do any service job that takes you to a myriad of businesses, regardless if sector, THEY'RE ALL bloated inefficient pieces of crap. And it makes you wonder... How in the hell are they staying in business??? I couldn't run my business like a drunken retard and make all that bank - what's their secret???
Funny. I had a conversation with my wife about this exact topic yesterday evening. I'll give it a watch, thanks for posting.