There has been much discussion about when America became a "Corporation". I think the real question we have to ask is "When did the Americans become slaves to the Bankers?" because that is the real implication whenever someone refers to America becoming a corporation. In this post I will show you when and how this happened.
There are four elements to how American were transformed from free people to slaves to the Banks. I intend to show each of these points from the congressional records.
Trading with the enemy Act was expanded from wartime to peacetime, enabling the president to legally confiscate everyone's properties as long as they are considered enemies.
Banks were given the dictatorship over the country's finances.
Fed was given the power to issue new currency called Federal Reserve Bank Notes (FRBN) not backed by Gold.
These FRBNs were backed by the mortgages of homes and other properties of ALL people of the US.
By March 1933, bank after bank in US failed and on March 6, President Roosevelt issued Proclamation 2039 ordering the suspension of all banking transactions, effective immediately. He had taken the oath of office only thirty-six hours earlier.
Congressional Act
On March 9th 1933, 73rd Congress convened and passed the Emergency Banking Act of 1933 to provide emergency relief to the banks and enable them to resume operations. On his first fireside chats to the nation FDR assured the people of the US that he had it all under control and it made the people feel all warm and fuzzy. This was also the beginning of FDR's New Deal
But did something nefarious happen, like James Traficant mentioned on congressional record decades later?
The Proof
I am going to prove to you that indeed something nefarious happen on that day, by referring only to the congressional record of that day.
Source: Congressional Record March 9 1933
Page 75: Message from the President
To the Senate and House of Representatives:
On March 3 banking operations in the United States ceased. To review at this time the causes of this failure of our banking system is unnecessary. Suffice it to say that
the Government has been compelled to step in for the pro- tection of depositors and the business of the Nation.
To review at this time the causes of this failure of our banking system is unnecessary.
Really? You want to fix it without knowing why it failed?
Page 79: Amendment of the Trading with the Enemy Act, Oct 6 1917 Full Text to extend the emergency. powers of the President not just in war time but also in peacetime:
Section 2 confers upon the President the powers bestowed under the act of October 6, 1917, regardless of whether or not the country is involved in war.
What does it mean to allow the President to confiscate property of our enemies, during peace time? Who exactly are these enemies in peacetime?
Page 80: Concerns of dictatorship by the same bankers who caused the problems.
It is an important banking bill. It is a dictatorship over finance in the United States. It is complete control over the banking system in the United States.
We have, step by step, been proceeding along the lines of centralization. Attempts in past meetings of this Congress have succeeded in enacting increasingly centralized banking plans. This gives supreme authority to those people who have wanted to control the finances of this Government, through a centralized system, to have such a system.
We want to know the amount of gold in the United States Treasury, and we want to know the amount of gold in the Federal Reserve System. We want to know the total amount of outstanding Government ob- ligations.
This is a time to draw a line, and may I say to you Democrats here that if you do not draw a line through the Treasury operations now and the Federal Reserve operations, you will be enmeshed in all the things that they have been doing, and they have been doing some things, as I have pointed out heretofore, or we would not be in the condition we are in today.
It seems to me there is authority here to continue the Federal Reserve operations under the same management, and it seems to me I can see much in this bill that can be abused and that may have been dictated by the same banking influences that are responsible for our present predicament.
It is difficult under the circumstances to discuss this bill. The first section of the bill, as I grasped it, is practically the war powers that were given back in 1917, with some slight amendments.
The other gives supreme authority to the Secretary of the Treasury of the United States to impound all the gold in the United States in the hands of individuals, corporations, or companies for the purpose, I suppose, of bringing together that gold and making it available for the issuance of Federal Reserve notes.
This provision is for the issuance of Federal Reserve bank notes; not for Federal Reserve notes;
Page 81: How are FRBNs issued?
Mr. BRITTEN. From my observation of the bill as it
was read to the House, it would appear that the amount of bank notes that might be issued by the Federal Reserve System is not limited. That will depend entirely upon the amount of collateral that is presented from time to time for exchange for bank notes. Is that not correct?
Mr. McFADDEN. .Yes. I think that is correct.
Trust the Experts and Good intentions:
However, we are advised by President Roosevelt in his message which has just been read that the immediate pas- sage of this legislation is absolutely .necessary in order to reopen the banks in the Nation and provide them with additional and adequate currency. We are further informed by our distinguished majority leader [Mr. BYRNS] that the Sen- ate is now awaiting the action of the House on this particular bill, and that in order to reopen the banks of the country on tomorrow it must be enacted into law today. I shall, therefore, vote for the bill, Mr. Speaker, because of these assurances of our great President and our able leaders in this body.
Page 83: This was supposed to be temporary
Our President will doubtless ask amendments to this new law when conditions are more nor- mal and when it is better understood.
Page 83: The CRUX of what backs the new money the FED is allowed to print
Under the new law the money is issued to the banks in return for Government obligations, bills of exchange, drafts, notes, trade accept- ances, and banker's acceptances. The money will be worth 100 cents on the dollar, because it is backed by the credit of the Nation. It will represent a mortgage on all the homes and other property of all the people in the Nation
And finally, we ask ourselves these two questions:
Why did the War Powers under Trading with the Enemy act had to be expanded to peacetime as part of Emergency Banking Act ?
How did the Congress manage to pass a bill where the mortgage on all homes and other property of all the people in the Nation was handed over to the FED to be able to print its new currency?
Not only England, but everywhere in the then Catholic world due to something what is called: Sovereign debt.
IMF has a very interesting report on it.
Around the 12th century, the Pope needed money. And at the same time issued several bulls pertaining to salvation: Unam sanctam, and was embroiled with John and Federick for the upper hand in the Holy Roman Empire based on fraud called: the gift of Constantine.
This created a structure in which future earnings could be leveraged for the convenience of money today. This was done with the help of Genuese Merchants (black nobility?) providing for an eternal principal loan which would never be paid back, but would incur a yearly interest.
Yeah, I knew about the other 5 or so former reserve currencies, and how they’d previously held military/financial/religious all in the same country before breaking it up this time. Unlike those 5, I know some of the specifics of England’s battles with them, having seen them by chance. France’s undoubtedly involves Napoleon. Germany’s surely involves Prussia and probably Belgium. There’s a good book called “The Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire” that touches on their degradation of silver specie prior to any of this over 600-1000 or so years, among other things.
Didn’t know the loans all started with the pope. Rather assumed they predated even that.
Consider structure:
Unam Sanctam creates a trust by declaration that without the church and the pope their is no road to salvation.
It means: everyone alive needs absolution. And thus: indulgences. This achieved a couple of things:
So, while Europe itself was moving towards a new spirituality, the pope became more materialistic. ... And unwittingly, fueled the flames of humanism and the reformation.
Oh, in terms of loans, loans indeed predate a lot. Clay-tablets already mention them and in Bronze Age trading, it was a common occurrence.
Basically, any trade is a matter of going into debt mutually. Trading on a marketplace, in terms of time, it is rather limited. So, the question becomes, why is time all of a sudden an issue, as that is not the main ingredient, but rather a side effect.
Another related aspect, is what happened during the time of Solon.
1.Free all land-owners from the obligation to pay 1/6 to their loaners;
2.Cancel all debts;
3.Forbid selling a debtor as a slave to pay the debt;
4.Forbid selling Athenians to slavery abroad;
5.Buy back all Athenians that were already sold;
6.Revise and cancel most of the Draconian constitution.
Here too debt plays a big role where a direct invocation to the personal life force is made.
Another interesting tidbit: Joseph means increasing/profit.
Cohencidence: The story of Joseph being sold to Egypt as a slave, becomes the most powerful man in the land to navigate the Egyptians through 7 years of plenty and 7 years of shortages.
Solution: during the plenty years, stores are amassed. During the shortages, people could sell their belongings for survival, and become tenants and serfs to the Royal House.
Structure, intent and execution. Compare to WEF, DEI, Climate change, Banking.
Yep Joseph used prophetic dream to speculate in the food stuff of Egypt, and then enslave the people with their very own produce. The Pharoah and Priests were quite happy, but a Pharoah came who did not know Joseph and then oppressed Israel. Undoubtedly with the support of the Egyptian people.
Of course, it was a prophetic dream. And looking at it secularly, it is a good selling point. And that selling point is still used today. These days, science is abused for that feat. Since the 70's especially, the club of Rome, IPCC, structures groups like CDC,NIH, RIVM, and the likes. Sex sells, but crisis and fear is a better argument to sell.
But, whether or not Joseph' s dream was of divine origin, we have to take the writers word for it.
What is known are the elements of the story, consequences and it's moral lesson.
The religious view of the divine intervention to safeguard a blood-line is one way of looking at it.
We are also left with a simple, yet, staggering analysis: the EFFECT of the story is that the people sold their shit to the Royal House and became tenants on the land the previously owned, only for survival.
Could it have been solved in a way that would not involve people to become bereft of ownership of the land? Of course it could. But the easy way out, is tax the shit of them, and sell their own shit back to them. This is not morally of high standards.
What could have been done, is everyone would save the surplus, and then during the years of scarcity, it would be issued back to the people, like a savings account. But no, taxes and deprivation of ownership, leading to dependency.
I would even go one step further. What do current Royal House purport to be? How do these Houses view popular government? (See secret treaty of Verona, Peace treaty of Vienna. question: Why were kingdoms established and not republics?)
And this is the moral of the story. It teaches that under the guise of survival, man is to give all he owns to one single entity: the Royal House. Obey their authority.
Enter the WEF.
Question: where the people in Egypt happy while owning nothing?
Was scarcity something the Royal House controlled? Were taxes used to accumulate power? What ever your answer to those questions, whether with or without knowledge of bronze age [inter]national trade, the process is still the same. This is the top-line: : >A crisis was used to deprive the people of their possessions in lieu of survival.
And this is what the W.-E.-F. is all about. The only difference may be: the scarcity in case of the W.-E.-F. is brought about by social engineering: Covid caused the international supply chains be put under strain, production was halted, jobless, dependency on the government handout, etc. These elements mirror this Joseph story.
Personally, I think the story in terms of historical veracity is a load of bull crap. The Egyptians were keen scientists and knew exactly what to expect from any year, due to the level of water in the river Hapi (currently known as Nile; the name does not even appear as it is called: yeh-ore, steam, interesting to compare owr = Light (Gen 1: 4) as a stream). The spiritual dimension regarding Egypt is such that this story is difficult to picture. (See the book: Egypt: the Light of the World by Thomas Massey part 1 and 2: (interesting choice of words)).
It reminds me of those stories people told about the concentration camps. Only unenlightened backward people would tell such stories providing logistical nightmares (burning millions in a bakers oven), and applying methods scientifically totally irrational (poison gas in a shabby hut), not to mention the total moral depravity of their own kind attending to the correct processing. Yet, they made it into a matter of faith, and deviation is considered heresy.
Now, you may not like it that I make such a comparison, by pointing to divine intervention in order to save a blood-line. That sounds like a reasonable, moral and meaningful matter to pursue, yes?
Entire books are written on alleged historical roles. ( Julius Caesar, Napoleon Bonaparte, William of Orange, etc) Fact is, the stories being handed down to us, reflect these uncanny resemblances.
It may be, that stories may inspire people for good or evil. And enslavement, deprivation of rights is a common theme in the OT, yet, they were the nation who would live in such a way as making living up to the 10 words their identity marker.
In a way, this goes for the US as well. The Declaration of Independence, the Bill of Rights, the Constitution, it is all embedded within the idea of Americanism, or being an American. We hear it all the time: such behavior is unamerican. Yet, Congress shits on it.
And I happen to think it is advantageous for us to consider this: Instead of honoring the law of the land contained within these documents, we notice that a certain lobby group, the big donors, all hail from the background where stories like that of Joseph in Egypt just so happen to be in vogue, while at the same time nullifying the law of the land by their transmissions. And they just so happen to be the controllers of the money system, legal system, having created a system in which you work your ass of for a penny.
indeed. These are the words as quoted on by Representative Patman," Dallas (TX) Morning News, January 16, 1933, sec. 1, pg. 4, col. 6.
Uncanny resemblance ...
Inflation: years of plenty.
Deflation: years of scarcity.
And you read it first in Genesis without knowing what it really meant.
The cycle of plenty and shortage strongly reminds me of the Bankers' cycle: First provide liquidity with low interest. Once everyone is hooked and over-leveraged, increase the interest rates and pull down the liquidity. This is when the Bankers pick up the pieces at bargain.
Maybe the story was teaching people how to avoid getting caught in this cycle?
Yikes. Amazing post.