I haven’t been formally diagnosed. I had something on my skin that looked weird. I’ve checked what it could be. Obviously I want nothing to do with the “doctors”, so I manage it myself.
I found the photos showing: Yes, melanoma / No, not melanoma, so I’ve learned that it’s probably: Yes.
I have ivermectin (pills) purchased for my family, so I’ve tried. I didn’t want to swallow it because I would eat my whole stock before it gets to the place I need. It’s easier to dose it externally.
First, I’ve tried to break a pill into hundreds of pieces, put it on the spoon with a water and then on my skin. It wasn’t easy to keep the IVM where I wanted it.
Then I thought: I can buy a horse paste (literally), because it’d be easier to put it on the skin, so it sticks where I need it too. I’ve bought it for around £9 ($11).
I was putting it on the skin in the morning, for the whole day and removing it before going to bed. Every 1 or 2 days, depending if I forgot or not.
After 2-3 weeks my enemy gets smaller, more flat and changed the colour from brown-ish to gray-ish. I no longer feel this weird “skin anxiety” when touching it. I started to ignore it and no longer worry.
I will repeat the process in couple of days to see if it disappears completely.
Just wanted to share with you guys, so you know that it helps.
I’m so glad you all share the information here. This was my 3 cents.
God bless!
Drop all sugars
Who would down vote this? LOL - cancers feed on sugars / carbs.
Big Sugar shills. They derail lots of anti-sugar diet forums.
Idiots downvote. I think it's the secret Feds trying to knock our positivity down - HAHA FUCKERS! NOT working 😁.
they want to craft consensus. To make it appear that the comment is wrong.
They downvote but never comment with their disagreement, because if the debate were to be held in the light, they might be proven wrong!
Not to mention what sugar and carbs do to your liver and cardiovascular system.
And eat a Alkaline diet...
And ants!!!