So, if you haven't heard of the term "forum sliding" before, it refers to making posts, whether factual or not, that are not related to the content that is discussed in the board. In most cases in other places on the net, it does have intent, and that intent is to push a narrative that's either completely false or against the grain of the purpose of discussion. I think in honesty, for what I have been witnessing happening here on GAW, that's not exactly the whole story, so what I am describing is not out of criticism, but of concern.
To those who are innocent of this, they may not realize they are doing it. There has been a LOT of this happening for a while now. Whether it's karma farming (the act of gaining popularity and reputation on a board, with really no substantial value) pure self promotion (which is actually a rule here that's not being followed sometimes, with some being either actual feds, employees or promoters of an external website), or it's because this is the only or one of the few boards that posters frequent, it serves as a deterrent, a distraction, and it really weakens the overall motive of this board; to gain better understanding about the references that Q made, and to help all anons, no matter their level of knowledge, to congregate, share ideas, dig deeper, and sometimes have a little fun, which I'm not against at all. It also creates unnecessary tension (as I am guilty of), and we should focus on getting as many anons awakened as possible, and not losing them to such antics.
I know I can't call myself a mod, but to veterans and newcomers alike, it's cluttering up the board, and some very good posts get drowned out or get basically no visibility, unless you diligently filter by "rising" or "new". The mods can only do so much, so I think we should really focus on tuning out the noise and post those types of content on their designated boards within the .win community. I've made the comment many times about switching to a vBulletin style board, which would make this issue much easier to manage, and I would be willing to help, but I know that will take quite a bit of effort.
But in the meantime, and I'm saying this humbly; please consider what you post. Check the catalog to avoid duplicates, use the correct flairs when available, research the source of your posts to make sure it's verifiable and relevant, and if you see a post that's high quality and deserves to be stickied, let the mods know! But most of all, let's try not to post things that are reposts we see on social media sites that don't relate much to Q or GAW, or do not have a reliable source. I would say that's where the filtering would have the biggest impact.
Thank you all for being here, and for all the deep research and discussion that is had here. Many forums like these have fell away, and it all started by sliding posts, sinister mods, or outright trolling and shadow banning. Just want to keep the spirit alive here and tweak things just a bit so that we can all get good, reliable info. We are doing damn good for what opposition we face, I just hope that we stay together and don't lose the momentum.
An oldfag from the early 2000s
The other day I noticed that covid posts seem to fire straight to the front page and leave other topics in the dust. Was wondering "do we really care so disproportionally about covid??"
I chalked it up to covid being the cabal's hail-mary to usher in the NWO but maybe it's something else? idk
I get upset when good posts get buried. Try to nominate them for stickies but don't abuse that, the mods already get enough mail!
VBulletin would be nice as you can search comments as well as posts, and from what I've seen here, the comments is where the real digs happen
Yep. Having to search only by user or title makes it a bit arduous..
There are many posts I recommend to get sticky that never get it, it's a shame. But at the same time, I dont believe it's intentional.
Someone doesn't like you noticing the fear porn slide posting. Here! Take my upvoat fren!
ty fren<3
I wonder on how long we will have to wait to get total covid exposure. Since that psyop was so universal in that it directly impacted basically every human on the planet, its coming undone will also have universal impact. I do think that's one boomerang-suicide the cabal absolutely under no circumstances wants to come back on them.
It's like a keystone psyop or something
I hear ya and agree! As much as we all want 100% of everything to be exposed, we already know it won't be due to various WH plays and NATSEC issues.
But the C19 habbening is almost guaranteed to be exposed. We've witnessed IRT the BS unravel the past couple yrs, plus as you mentioned it's a huge slap to normie faces that they can and will digest.
My theory, just humble shower thoughts based on IRL events and the Q drops:
The normie public will accept most of what I bullet listed. Easy pills to swallow given how quickly normies calm down and self memory hole habbening. Plus, having an honest MSM will help them swallow all the truth pills they're going to be ingesting.
Just to make a comment to where you said not everything will be exposed, I agree, why should it be? I trust the WH, if it's indeed a movie, enjoy it! Lol, but seriously, I try to help others understand that it's not necessary, and to demand things and get so impatient is it's own tempering, that had to be done unfortunately to help others understand.
TLDR for every covid article you will ever read from this point forward:
It was fake and people are slowly admitting it.