Mods? Could you please sticky a J13 thread so we can have an organized area of information to research or add to? More information is coming in fast and need a central hub.
🧐 Research Wanted 🤔
I am looking into videos last week of Dems being asked about Biden. Manchin said “let’s wait and see what this weekend brings.” And “let’s see next week.” I heard Pelosi say this and am trying to find the video.
Above. New video from bleachers. Shots hit the railings.
Riddle me this one
Beneath that video above in the comment sections:
Gunmen points gun at Trump while he enters the vehicle, wtf?
Angle looks deceiving. Appears to me he is cover the left side of the vehicle with his muzzle and not pointing it into the car.
that makes sense, ty
Looks to me like an exit wound to the guy wearing the black t-shirt with his hand on the railing. In a split-second he doesn't realize he's been shot... and then goes down. In other footage, as they are removing Trump from the stage you can see people up in that corner trying to flag down others for help.
Today’s RedPill78 shows phone video from two people attending rally. Time stamp 1:44:22
It looks like there was another shooter from behind the bleachers where the men were shot. Opposite side of where the roof shooter was. You see puffs first, then the men go down. Not the men go down, then the puffs (shots possibly hitting railing).
Rally attenders saying shots came from the back.