In order to follow developments in the Ukraine war (seemingly yesterday's news already), I track Intel_Slava on Telegram. Within a day after the assassination attempt on Trump, the Russians are now dropping bombs marked as "For Trump." (Za Trampa.) It makes me wonder what their SVR (Foreign Intelligence Service) knows about all this.
The Russian news reports on this channel are disdainful of Biden and respectful and even concerned about Trump.
The scene in Ukraine seems to be that Russia is conducting a vigorous but measured and thorough mopping up, clearing Ukrainian forces from novoRussian territory. Immense bounties are being offered for any Russian pilot who downs an American F-15 or F-16 in theater.
From the Russian point of view, they are holding the line until Trump gets back. They are not privy to the whole Q operation, so no way for them to know whether this assassination was controlled or uncontrolled and Trump just got lucky.
Their whole existence depends on Trump coming back while they are still able to hold the line.
They are not by any means "holding the line." They have been diligently claiming territory and settlements. Ukrainian troops are collapsing before them. They would be stupid to let up, now that progress is certain.
My view of how Trump will stop the war is that he will shut the tap of U.S. military assistance. No bullets or bombs? No capability to fight. At which point, the Ukrainians have no option but to sue for peace. Russian terms will prevail, but the war will have ended (to the great relief of the Ukranian public).
I'm assuming "For Trump" meaning "in support of Trump" in this context?
Without the context, I think about Looney Toons or WWII where a bomb has its target's name written on the surface of the bomb before they load it onto the bomber.
If it was meant "to target Trump", that would be "для Трампа" - dlya Trampa. This is clearly a mark with a message of retaliation.
Yes. за - for and против - against.
In many of the Russian Telegram channels you will see "за победу" (for the victory).
Russian language is very precise. I remember when my Russian teacher corrected me because I wrote something about "a treatment for heart disease", which, as I wrote it means a treatment that causes heart disease. I should have written "a treatment against heart disease".
Honoring Trump is the meaning
"Za" is a tricky preposition, but in this context it means "on behalf of." The practice of writing names or slogans on bombs continues today for those who want to do it. The Russians are a sort of people who have vengeance in their cultural outlook. They appreciate and honor a fighter, and Trump's raised fist after being shot in the head must have captured their respect.
Putin did what he didn't necessarily want to but had to do because of the 2020 steal.
For fuck's sake, Ukraine installed a gay penis piano-playing assless chaps-twerking jester after Biden threatened them over Cunter, and Karla Mengele sorry I mean Angela Merkel had a fit of kuru during his stupid ceremony.
They Russian knew all about the deep states murder of JFK. It was released in the KGB archives after the fall of the Soviet union. IIRC.
Actually I saw pictures of the shells with За уши Трампа/For Trump ears written on them
From Lockheed: "F-16 jets that Ukraine will receive are around 40-years-old." So these airframes were built around 1983/84. They are WAY past their freshness date to be frontline combat airframes. A fighter even with modernization can go maybe 25 years before being retired from frontline service (fighters not refuelers, bombers, or specialized aircraft) and put in cold storage or transferred to Air National Guard units. I would guess these still have their original engined from when they were delivered. These fighters are not junk, but S3,4 and 5 SAMS will obliterate these just from the total lack of pilot training.
The rewards are offered to pilots, meaning air-to-air or ground attack, not air defense.