25 Trumpamania Brother! Ask me Anything! posted 250 days ago by Trumpamania2020 250 days ago by Trumpamania2020 +25 / -0 So...that was the greatest speech possibly of all time I had nothing to do with Looking Glass when I made this account, I swear! Fire away - ask me anything BROTHER! 25 comments share 25 comments share save hide report block hide replies
How you been? Looking good. Great job on stage. Have you has troubles because of your political stance? How's the back?
Good! Minimal troubles Some upper back and neck tightness - have to work too many hours due to shitbag Bidenomics.
But people think all politics are professional wrestling…
It literally is...
What do you call Undertaker throwing Mankind off the top of the cell?
Did you sleep with MACHO MAN RANDY SAVAGES WIFE? Asking for a friend.
I didn’t think so. Thanks
Very nice to meet you, hulk!
Just a hulkamaniac here, nice to meet you fren!
Proove it. And I will scream.
What would you like me to prove brother?
nothin you're good brother.
Are you a representative of Hulk Hogan?
No, sorry
Of course!
No...well, in the way a Hulkamaniac represents him I suppose!
You need to rip off the shirt you are wearing right now!!!
shirts are too expensive now...maybe after the election?
Hulk? That you? :)
No, sorry! Just an OG Hulkamaniac now Trumpamaniac
Do you know Vincent Fusca? Do you think is he a time traveler?
No and no