posted ago by Eion1830 ago by Eion1830 +61 / -0

This should be setting of security alarms everywhere

The Crowdstrike remediation method requires a special boot sequence to a powershell environment to selectively delete certain .sys files that temporarily render crowdstike penetration protection OFFLINE

Then a reboot happens, then another update, and then another reboot. During that time, the Windows server is WIDE OPEN to penetration attacks, as the crowdstrike code is not fully active.

In other words, this crowdstrike bug that took down infrastructure all over the world, like Y2K coming to life, had the net effect of making potentially millions of servers DROP THEIR PROTECTION against cyber intrusions, at least temporarily.

During that time, what else is potentially being installed on their systems in preparation for a much larger cyber false flag event? My gut feeling is that this Crowdstrike BUG was no bug at all...

it's a tactic to install a Trojan horse
