posted ago by PopcornTastesGood ago by PopcornTastesGood +43 / -0

So i am now 1.5 weeks in following one of the posts on here, 4k lycine and C per day. 2k each in the morning and in the evening. I have also quite nicotine and slowed way down on drinking.

The chest pains I was having off and on(more on), have pretty much went away all together, which is great because a few timws i thought i was having a heart attack, and I am not old.

While this is fantastic, the main thing i am absolutely shocked about is my blood pressure. I have had high bp for about 20 years at least, since i was really young. I just took my blood pressure today and I am now pretty damn close to 120/80....129/73.....i havent been anywhere near this since i can remember. A huge shout out to those on here who posted this protocol, it seems to definitely work.

As far as my energy level goes, i also just quit caffeine and am going through pretty bad withdrawals so right now cannot comment on the energy, but overall my body just feels more solid. Dont get out of breathe like i used to, and actually dont sweat like i used to either.

I plan to stay on 4k each for a month, and then drop to 2k per day. I will give yall updates, thanks again!!!!