It’s a riser. There’s no one on the water tower. The sun was low on the horizon, the left side (west) is illuminated. The east side is a shadow, which matches the right side of the storage tank. The “movement” is pixelation and matrixing.
I am looking at the videos of the water tower on a very large monitor that is 4K. I definitely see two figures. Not simply 'shadows and pixelation', in my opinion.
Below is a closeup of the actual tower from Google maps.
Thank you for providing these links. It does clear up the issue about the pixelation because if you go by what appears to be two people - one dressed in black on the shadow side and one dressed in white on the sunny side - they'd have to be giants. I've worked with digital imagery enough to know that pixelation is an issue. I will admit that I thought that these pixelations were persons. It's now obvious that they are not when you see the scale of the catwalks and ladders.
Of note, It doesn't mean there wasn't anybody up there. It just means that these pixelations obviously don't represent anybody who might have been up there.
If the shooter was on the water tower trums head would have been blown off regardless of how much he turned it. The angle was wrong for that shot. Here is a better explanation.
The open window behind and over the shooter's right shoulder:
Definitely something on top of the water tower. Maybe 2 large figures, one in white and one in black.
It’s a riser. There’s no one on the water tower. The sun was low on the horizon, the left side (west) is illuminated. The east side is a shadow, which matches the right side of the storage tank. The “movement” is pixelation and matrixing.
I am looking at the videos of the water tower on a very large monitor that is 4K. I definitely see two figures. Not simply 'shadows and pixelation', in my opinion.
Below is a closeup of the actual tower from Google maps.,-79.9698624,3a,39.3y,97.43h,104.38t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1s8p75Mo7MgLh7XpgdY3UlnQ!2e0!7i16384!8i8192?coh=205409&entry=ttu
Note: you can move the image around if you want and can zoom in or out.
You can see the ladder is on the back side (opposite of the rally side) allowing for the shooter to climb up without being seen by the rally goers.
Check out this video showing how to climb a water tower and what's on the top:
Thank you for providing these links. It does clear up the issue about the pixelation because if you go by what appears to be two people - one dressed in black on the shadow side and one dressed in white on the sunny side - they'd have to be giants. I've worked with digital imagery enough to know that pixelation is an issue. I will admit that I thought that these pixelations were persons. It's now obvious that they are not when you see the scale of the catwalks and ladders.
Of note, It doesn't mean there wasn't anybody up there. It just means that these pixelations obviously don't represent anybody who might have been up there.
Your monitor isn’t at issue, it’s the video, which is massively zoomed in.
You’re entitled to our opinion, we’ll just agree to disagree.
Watch the water
If the shooter was on the water tower trums head would have been blown off regardless of how much he turned it. The angle was wrong for that shot. Here is a better explanation.
The open window behind and over the shooter's right shoulder:
The angle of shot from the water tower would not have been able to clip his ear. The open window and the shooters position could have made that shot.