Feeling very emotional over this entire situation right now. What a complete embarrassment for this country...for women...
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Hopefully you read this with an open mind;
“Women’s suffrage” was a mistake. Women ran the household, and by proxy made the rules back in the day. It takes a profound misunderstanding of society then to look upon women as mistreated. They sold you all a lie and you bought it; now you’re slaves paying taxes with few children living in a material world.
No class of person should be making laws or rules they will not be tasked with enforcing. Enforcement of the rules requires the capacity for violence; a capacity women lack.
So it stands that the correct society is indeed one in which women do not have a vote. Because they do not bear the responsibility to enforce their actions. When we go to war, women who will never bleed in a trench will vote for it. They will not bleed in the trench because equipping, training and deploying them is more damaging to the host military than leaving them at home.
Perhaps one day we will have rid ourselves of the types of people who destroy; a utopia, but certainly in this world, electing a woman to lead likely result in mass suffering.
There are exceptions to every rule; that singular exception right now is the CEO of a company and is called Lisa Su. I used to want what you want, but life got real, and the world is becoming a harder place again, and most women will be hiding while men pay the price for our “progressiveness”.
You all couldn’t even keep trannies out of women’s sports. JK Rowling went to bat, I’d make her an MP, but women wouldn’t vote for her. Kari Lake is a fighter, but women voted against her (and fraud). shrugs
Sorry. In MY world, I shouldered 90% of all the weight. I took care of my kids, I earned the money that kept them fed. I took them to their after school activities. I'm SICK AND TIRED of you misogynistic assholes who think because you have a penis, your brain works better than mine. I have defended my home and my kids when necessary. And I am wholly capable of critical thinking - logical thinking - I am a whole complete person in my own right. Sorry to inform you, but most of the worst mistakes IN MY LIFE came from my husband NOT LISTENING to me. I have zero issues recognizing what I am capable of and what men are capable of physically. I do NOT believe that "women can do whatever men do" - logic points that out quickly. Our physical abilities are vastly different - but there is NOTHING about male brains that make them superior to female brains. I will NEVER give up my right to vote, to speak my mind or reason out my own problems. And if you are female, sorry you have been brainwashed into believing you are mentally inferior to the opposite sex. They call mens' penis "little head" for a reason. Men are NOT always the clear level headed thinkers they want to convince you they are.
Too bad your husband was a loser, but the guy is right about a lot.
There actually is scientific evidence that men's and women's brains are different. Men can go into a supermarket, come out, and go straight to their cars, as their brains can work with spatial things and just know which direction to go. A lot of women have to look around, or memorize what row number they are in. There is a whole lot more.
And it's not that one brain is superior to another. It's that they are different.
It's like the classic map of the mall showing the paths a male and a female take to buy a pair of pants. The male goes in and heads straight for the correct store, picks out a pair of pants in his size that aren't butt ugly, pays, and leaves.
The female has to visit almost every store in the mall, and in every clothing store she has to touch almost all the clothes, whether she could possibly wear them or not. Then she spends time trying on different things, considering how they look, and then might buy several, intending to return most of them later.
So they are different. Do you think you'd be as good in battle as a man? No. Do you think a man would be as good as you in raising children? No. Of course there are a few exceptions in some areas. But overall, there are things that each sex can do better than the other can.
Sorry but I hate shopping. Most of what you describe as male behavior is me.
So you may be an exception.
Tip: Whenever I park in a huge parking lot, as I walk toward the building, I occasionally turn around and look toward the car to see what that view is. That way, coming back won't be entirely unfamiliar.
Don’t take it so personally; I don’t. Women are bad leaders because they cannot enforce law. Because they cannot enforce law they should not create law.
That is logic; certainly the society I describe would be less likely to tolerate the type of man you elected to marry assuming he was fairly described.
You might not give up the right, but it may be taken from you at any time because you cannot defend it. Talk all you want, there are dudes in women’s sports.
I agree with other poster however, as it relates to taxes without representation; but more than that, we revert to constitutional pre 1913 rules.
Dudes in women's sports has nothing to do with me or my ability to think critically. And frankly, it is equally on the shoulders of men to fight it. Maybe more than 50% since you think men to be mentally superior to women. Smh
Whenever my daughter hears that women shouldn't be allowed to vote, she says, "OK, but if I can't vote I'm not paying taxes, either, and I'm sure as hell forced to do that. Paying taxes without voting is Taxation Without Representation."
Taxation IS theft.
Okay, then they shouldn't have to money to pay taxes on. It used to be that only landowning men could vote, as they were the only people with "skin in the game." Their vote could decide if they might have to go to war and risk death. Men don't like it that women can now vote them into war and possible death.
The one "The Man Show" that I remember had the little fat kid out on the street with a petition to end Women's Suffrage. (Haven't women suffraged enough?). All kinds of people were signing it until a women started yelling that the petition was to take away women's right to vote. Like Q said (I'll paraphrase) - people are stupid.