Looks like Crooks was photographed on-site before the event and Yearick was photographed on-site after the event.
Add: If the dead body is Crooks, where are his glasses? Doesn't he need them to shoot and wouldn't they get stuck to his face if he was left dying on the roof for several minutes?
Yearick was Antifa. We know FBI had agents in Antifa at J6 and probably in Seattle instigating the riots. Was Maxwell Yearick an undercover agent for the FBI? Was Yearick the guy in DC reporting to the FBI? Deep dive required on Yearick.
DIdn't someone manage to get a shitload of metadata on Antifa back in 2020 ... I seem to remember a post about it and some images of the various diagrams they made regarding their interactions, but all of that seemed to vanish.
Yandex results are all shitted up now...glad I archived a bunch of stuff before the chickens got up on 7/14...There were several reports showing him and his associates getting arrested for antifa phuckery.
"Our research group has reported that Antifa operative Maxwell Yearick had recruited Thomas Crooks as a spotter for the DHS exercises at Clairton" - where is this backed-up? He's saying the cellphone data "seemed to support that claim." How exactly?
Agreed, i think we should be very cautious since "Oversight Project" is the source for the cellphone data, and they are run by the Heritage Foundation responsible for Project 2025 which is being used to make Trump & Republicans look bad.
I was saying there’s a reason for Crooks’ doupleganger Yearnick. I thought it was so the Secret Service would get confused and chase the wrong guy while the other one got into position. Just like in the movies.
Spicy! Original: https://georgewebb.substack.com/p/walking-the-trump-gunmans-metadata
Looks like Crooks was photographed on-site before the event and Yearick was photographed on-site after the event.
Add: If the dead body is Crooks, where are his glasses? Doesn't he need them to shoot and wouldn't they get stuck to his face if he was left dying on the roof for several minutes?
They were washed off the slopped roof. /sarc
🤣🤣 That bitch cheatle will never live down that sloped roof comment. The memes were gold. I've never laughed as hard at memes as I did those.
When you provide utter bullshit that a child would come up, you are then spoken to like a child for the remainder of your life.
Yearick was Antifa. We know FBI had agents in Antifa at J6 and probably in Seattle instigating the riots. Was Maxwell Yearick an undercover agent for the FBI? Was Yearick the guy in DC reporting to the FBI? Deep dive required on Yearick.
DIdn't someone manage to get a shitload of metadata on Antifa back in 2020 ... I seem to remember a post about it and some images of the various diagrams they made regarding their interactions, but all of that seemed to vanish.
He was arrested at a Trump rally in 2020---I figure that is when he was recruited by our FBI.
Yandex results are all shitted up now...glad I archived a bunch of stuff before the chickens got up on 7/14...There were several reports showing him and his associates getting arrested for antifa phuckery.
Never went to jail for rioting----perfect way for the intel agency to blackmail him into being an informant or more!
That's an important point. Thanks
very special place for George Soros.
This post needs more eyes on it.
Look, the FBI is trying to cover all this up as fast as possible. We will get the full details in 6 months---right before Trump takes office!
"Our research group has reported that Antifa operative Maxwell Yearick had recruited Thomas Crooks as a spotter for the DHS exercises at Clairton" - where is this backed-up? He's saying the cellphone data "seemed to support that claim." How exactly?
Agreed, i think we should be very cautious since "Oversight Project" is the source for the cellphone data, and they are run by the Heritage Foundation responsible for Project 2025 which is being used to make Trump & Republicans look bad.
Is Steve Bannon making Trump look bad? In his 'Warroom' he has a hudge handbook of "Project 2025" that is positioned in a place of pride.
I was saying there’s a reason for Crooks’ doupleganger Yearnick. I thought it was so the Secret Service would get confused and chase the wrong guy while the other one got into position. Just like in the movies.
Still say there were two would-be assassins.
In the army call you a soldier. In the deep state you are a patsy. Both get recruited only absoluter has a clue what he is signing up for.
Nice find!!!
FYI - Crooks has an effin be eye email address.... https://greatawakening.win/p/17tebqVg1Z/found-on-truthsocial--sharing-he/c/