Global Warming Strikes Again in CA
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There is an easy way out of this problem. Build your own home, make it fireproof, and don't bother with insurance.
People have been building fireproof homes for thousands of years, and none of them have insurance. It just so happens to be a far better and cheaper home in every other way as well. Our present day building methods, "building codes" and insurance are all Bankster scams which lead conveniently to the problem and solution you outline.
I agree with you!
Unfortunately, most people have a mortgage, and all mortgage companies require insurance. The only way to evade insurance is with a free and clear property.
Of course, the mortgage system is another bankster scam that is worthy of a while thread unto itself.
That is an intended up and coming part of my report/book. I'll get it out eventually. The short of it is that the housing market has always been controlled (since the Roman Empire at least) by the Banksters.
The home loan system put out after the Great Depression, followed by a huge reduction of cost in the housing market in the early 1950s made a huge number of people "home owners," far (FAR) more than prior to that time. It also normalized this system of "ownership" in the population, becoming part of the "American Dream." Of course these lucky buyers weren't really home owners, they were mortgage holders. Even those lucky few that paid off their mortgage (which was far more in the beginning than later (the first hits always free!)) still don't own their home, the banks do. As it turns out, "property tax" doesn't pay for schools and other community institutions, BONDS pay for those things AKA Bank Loans. All property tax goes to pay the interest (usury) on those Bonds, the majority of which are held by banks, with the remainder held by financial institutions (and some few held by private interests AKA super rich dudes, but far, far fewer than is pretended). Of course Financial Institutions (Blackrock e.g.) is really just another word for "bank" in "investor" clothing, so the banks own the whole thing.
If you do not pay the lease on your property (property tax) the BANKS will confiscate your property, through the municipality that took out the Bond in the first place. They have the legal right, through the wording of all municipal bonds, to regain their "losses."
The banks legally own everything in the world. This is only a snippet of one of the legal paths to that ownership.
Amen again. Your website looks very interesting.
The reason most people have mortgages is because houses are so expensive. We have lost the ability to build them ourselves. This is lost knowledge. We also build them in a way that is designed to fail. Instead of our houses lasting a thousand years, they last 30-70, and usually require quite a bit of incredibly expensive maintenance during their "lifetime."
We have lost the knowledge of how to build homes that last and work with the environment (fireproof, waterproof, healthy, etc.). But it isn't just "lost knowledge," it is also the rules, regulations, permits, inspectors, etc. that make it very difficult to build a home that is worthy of the name (and costs 1/10th the price to build). All of those systems, all of our property laws, what we can build what we can do with our property, were put in by the Cabal to ensure they control and own everything.
It is insidious and ubiquitous and evil as fuck.
We need to reclaim our world. It won't be easy, they are legally entrenched on every level. Of course it's all a fraud, but people believe in their system, so showing that is quite difficult.