Senator Johnson on FBI Claims of Would-Be Assassin Thomas Crooks: "They're Trying to Paint This as a MAGA Terrorist Trying to Ta...
On Tuesday night Senator Ron Johnson joined Laura Ingraham to discuss the Secret Service and FBI’s tawdry testimony before the Senate committees earlier today.
"they say they’re investigating this as an assassination attempt and also as domestic terrorism. It was obviously an assassination attempt. Why are you classifying as domestic terrorism? Again, my concern is the way this Biden administration has basically accused half of America being potential domestic terrorists."
It’s the communist crying out in pain as it strikes us.
It's domestic terrorism with the US government terrorizing its own citizens. If the government doesn't like the opposition party, they will simply kill their leader.
It isn't just a threat to the leader, it's a threat to all his supporters.
Because when Trump wins they will send out the paid Anitfa goons and dress them up at Trump supporters. They will burn down the cities and this will give them a reason to delay the election results.
That was their play on January 6th, dress up a bunch of Antifa with red hats and start up some violence so the Media can say "SEE MAGA ARE TERRORISTS" -- we see right through it but there are a lot of morons who believe what they see on the news.
because that is their new 4am drop. They are painting the right as terrorists now.
They know they exist because they are creating them.
yup and they have a manual!
I trust my autism. It's been working fabulously so far.
Classmate said he sounded like a "know it all" and asked him why he would support Trump. Wouldn't the FBI take this into consideration or was that a fake interview too?
This whole thing where they are trying to shape narratives instead of giving it to us straight is really pissing everyone off.
When 90% of the population think it was a target deep-state attack, you had better give us all you got to restore faith. They clearly aren't. So definitely cannot trust them sadly.
Sad but true at this time.
The actual shooter was never supposed to miss. This is left over propaganda for what should have happened. Nicky Halley was supposed to get the nomination and would attack MAGA with a fury for "assassinating" their own Presidential candidate. Their goal was to take out Trump and the MAGA movement in a single shot. Now the Deep State just wants the entire thing to go away so they can prepare for the next hit.
I do not see the DS counting on this patsy to succeed. Suspecting another shooter at least.
Exactly. It was probably the "counter sniper" from the window.
It appears that way, but lets wait and see what more we will be able to find.
Sounds like classic projection to me. That's probably what they were planning to do. Have a MAGA MAN do poor Joe in front of the world and then kill him to erase evidence.
Your comment made me think of this:
What are the two main things that could turn the election in the Dems' favor, at least enough to make the inevitable steal seem plausible?
Useless Biden getting whacked so he and all his baggage are out of the way, making Kacklin' Kommie president overnight
A Trump supporter being the one who kills him, so media can blame ALL Trump supporters as well as Trump for the death
Democrats and their state-run media would go on full-throated hate campaign against Trump and his base, emboldened to OPENLY call for their execution (no more coy codewords and dog whistles), "to save the countreh and our democraceh!!!"
I knew the potential and extreme delicacy of the matter. I was very concerned until the assassination attempt. I don't care if it was God or the ghost Army we made it to the touchdown.
They have done this in the past several times also.
Why do ppl say would be assassin? He killed someone. Isnt he an assassin now?
It takes alot of mental gymnastics to come to the maga vs maga conclusion
Makes one wonder what they are smoking these days.
The FBI is for covering things up, why the fuck do they have it? There needs to be an independent investigation and not a political one, FBI (I know you are here) you guys are coverup artists, thats it, and you are going to cover the assassination attempt that the left tried to perpetuate. Secret Service are in on it too, otherwise they would't have left that roof open where you can literally use an 8 iron to get where Trump was.
Dan Bongino is in danger. The deep state has control of his show this morning, and they are repeating yesterday's show and not the live show that I watched this earlier this morning, where Dan is wearing a different color shirt. Listening on the radio, right now to yesterday's show. When I asked the chat's moderator to explain, there calling me a troll, because I asked are you part of deep state. Now they won't let my comments appear in the Chat. Praying for Dan because he is a threat, being a former SS, he knows what questions need to be asked, to find the truth about the failed assassination
Thank you for sharing this, totally agree with prayers.
They could kill him with absolute impunity.
That's what it's like when you live under a totalitarian dictatorship as we do now.
It makes zero fucking sense, and the media will keep running with it cause they're the scum of the planet.
Because the MSM has been involved and going down in the end also. No way they mised two illegal coups on President Trump. Their silence on 185K missing kids.
I still want to know the date that Crooks ordered his DemolitionRanch tee shirt that he ironically wore while trying to kill Trump. It just fits this twisted, and contrived leftist narrative all too neatly. Methinks his [patsy] shirt was chosen for the specific purpose of promoting that narrative.
Good question. What is odd there was a picture of a guy sitting by a building wearing the same color clothing as the shooter and looking up towards the rooof were there is a parial viewing of the deceased shooter. The difference was the guy sitting had white sox instead ot the black socks the deceased suspect was wearing. What are the odds of that at a President Trump rally ?
link below are the suspects black socks
Picture of the guy sitting link below
And they read it on the internet also.
Call them tin foil hat conspiracy theorists and they can pound sand